Chapter 35

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By the time everyone was done unpacking in the giant suites that had been reserved for us it was well past dinner time. Nancy, Alison and I had gotten one of the rooms in the girl's suite to ourselves. Nancy has immediately started setting up the books that she had brought along. I glanced around her shoulder as I unzipped my suitcase.

"Harry Potter," I said grinning, "I love that series!"

Nancy lit up, "I'm rereading it for the seventh time!" She said, "what house are you? I'm a Hufflepuff!"

I smiled, nothing could get Nancy talking like discussing books that she liked. "I think I'm a Ravenclaw," I said pulling out my clothes and placing them in one of the drawers in the dresser.

Nancy nodded as she finished unpacking the books. "I think Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff are the best houses. Gryffindor and Slytherin got too hyped because of the main characters in them." She sat down on the nearest bed and crossed her legs, picking up the fifth book and began reading. I took that as my cue that the conversation was over.

Alison was messing with the television in the living room area of the suite so when I had stored my suitcase under my bed I went to join her. She was flipping through channels her face screwed up in concentration.

"I don't understand that much Spanish," she was muttering to herself, aggressively pressing the next channel button. "Where's an English News channel when you need one."

I plopped down next to her on the couch and picked up the discarded tv channels list on the ground. Most of it was in Spanish but there was a small Asterix that was next to some channels.

"Here." I said taking the remote from Alison and switching it to one of those channels, a newscaster speaking in a British accent appeared. Alison groaned.

"I spent five whole minutes trying to find a channel and it took you point three seconds, I hate you," She said folding her arms and falling back on the couch. I smiled handing her the remote back which she snatched out of my hands.

"Sorry I'm just a tad smarter than you," I said jokingly and she playfully shoved me smiling as well. Just then Ally and Cora joined us. Ally had the unfortunate luck of rooming with Cora.

"What's going on?" Ally asked softly, her whole persona radiated gentleness. Her features were soft and I had on many occasions imagined her as a doll who had been brought to life.

"Emma's just showing off," Alison joked.

I rolled my eyes, looking at the clock. "Uh is anyone else hungry?" I asked the time suddenly making my stomach growl. Ally and Alison both nodded and Cora walked to the window door that led out on to a balcony, ignoring the question.

So naturally I ignored her.

"We should probably go find the guys and see what the plan is," I said. No one had made any plans when Chris had told everyone what rooms we were all staying in and gave us our room keys.

Alison jumped up, "I'll get Nancy," she said.

"Cora, are you coming?" Ally asked turning to look at Cora who turned her head slightly and gave a curt nod.

I turned and headed for the door. It was a large heavy oak door and had taken a lot of effort to open. We had all really struggled to pull it open once we had scanned our keycards to enter the room. I braced myself to push the door open but just as I began to push hard the door swung open easily. Surprise, surprise I began to fall. But my fall was stopped by a pair of strong arms that broke my fall.

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