Chapter 36

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"Careful," was the first thing I heard from the person I had literally fallen on. Oh goodness, I am literally turning into a blob of embarrassment right here in this unfortunate boy's arms—right I should get up. Of course as I began to regain control of my senses I heard a sarcastic snort coming from behind me.

Cora. Great, she saw it happen.

I looked up at my embarrassment invoking hero and was met by a pair of mismatched eyes, one blue, one both blue and brown. A faint knowing grin was on Landon's lips as I pushed away from him quickly, straightening up. I was pretty sure my entire face was bright red. My hands began to move together, my knuckles popping. We love anxiety..

"Sorry," I said looking down at my toes just as Alison and Nancy came into the room.

"What are we waiting for?" Alison asked, breaking the silence. "I'm hungry! Let's gooooo." I didn't know where everyone was actually looking, but I assumed at me because of the cheese-less pizza face I was desperately willing myself to lose.

"That's why I came to get you," Landon said without missing a beat, "we're going to find food nearby, the rest of the guys are waiting downstairs." He turned on his heel and led the way down the hallway to the elevator. I followed slowly allowing Cora and Ally to pass me so I could walk by Alison. I looked over at her, hoping to find support. All she replied with was a smirk.

"At least you apologized to him instead of asking what type of jam he liked," she muttered to me as we followed the group, laughter dancing in her eyes.

My blush deepened, "oh my gosh, shut up." I groaned as we all walked into the elevator and Landon pressed the lobby button. The ride down seemed to last for hours.

When the doors finally opened to reveal the rest of the boys I was about ready to complain about the snail pace that this supposed fancy hotel's elevator operated at. We all filed out and moved to join the group.

"Took you all long enough!" Parker said as Landon took the lead towards the group, Cora stuck to his side.

Alison and I found Gerald as we all headed out to the cars. We split to fill the three black cars, accepting some chocolate from Harper before climbing into the back seat. Alison plopped down beside me as she unwrapped her candy bar.

I saw Milton climb into the car behind ours along with James, Ally, Harper and Will. I saw Joe towing Cora to the car in front of ours, at first I didn't understand why she seemed so upset. Then I saw the two boys who had joined Harper, Gerald, Alison and my car.

A perfectly groomed teen who liked white bread and a smug looking two toned teen who shot a wink at me as he settled into his seat.

Why does this happen to me?????



A little quarentine update for you all.

Stay home and stay safe out there! Wash your hands and be ready for some more updates! plus some edits on the earlier chapters :)

Love you all, thanks for the constant support and reminders to update!!

<3 em arya

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