Chapter 45

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Emma's POV

Landon's eyes met mine before he said, "I have to go with Forest." A joking grin spread over his lips, his eyes flickering back to meet with his hopping friend before returning to mine.

Alison just rolled her eyes.

We played a few more rounds of Truth or Dare, we all avoided calling on Cora and eventually, after we had all had to do a mixture of random things and confess silly truths, she stood up.

"I'm going to bed," Cora said, the annoyance in her tone was not masked at all. "Bye." When she left Gerald burst out laughing.

Forest's POV

Once Cora was gone and everyone had quieted down (Gerald's laughing fit had been contagious), others began to stand and leave as well. It had gotten late and I could feel the exhaustion starting to take over me.

I didn't even notice that it was now just the five of us who had gotten 'lost'.

"Well," Gerald said standing up and clapping. "I suppose it is time to hit the hay, we have more sand sifting to do tomorrow, after all."

Alison fell dramatically on to Emma's shoulder and sighed loudly, "I don't know if I can walk to the elevator."

"Then I'll drag you," Emma said, biting back a laugh. "Come on." When Alison didn't move Emma continued her grin widening. "I mean, Gerald can carry you if you really want..."

"I'm awake!" Alison jumped up quickly and we all laughed again.

Emma stood up slowly and turned to Landon and I. "Are you guys coming too?" She asked. I was about to answer in the affirmative but Landon spoke first.

"Nah, we'll see you guys later," he said with his easy grin. Emma looked a little disappointed as her eyes drifted between the two of us. I smiled at her to try and disguise my confusion at Landon's answer.

"See you," Alison called as the three walked out of the room leaving just me and my old friend sitting there.

Landon watched the door for a few seconds before turning to me with his eyebrows raised.

"What?" I asked, frowning slightly. I didn't understand why he felt the need to do this.

"You know what," Landon said, leaning back in the chair he had taken after the mass exodus from the room.

I shook my head, "I really don't, Landon." Was this about the weird tension from before?

"Haven't you checked your phone?"

"What? No," I said and dug it out of my pocket. I had put it on silent when we had left the restaurant. I didn't think that anything would happen that needed my attention that badly.

"Megan Olly," Landon said, frowning. "Bro, you have got to keep your eyes open. She flew in today, she's going to be watching everything and if you aren't careful she—"

I held up a hand. I had seen the notification from one of my contacts in the airline industries. Oh no.

"How'd you find out?" I asked looking up at Landon.

He purses his lips, "You're not the only one with a history with Megan." He said, his voice was low almost angry. I understood. If his past with her was anything like mine...

"We'll figure out what to do tomorrow," I said. "It's too late to try and form a plan right now. I'll talk to Chris and some other people I can trust about this first thing."

Landon nodded but was still frowning. "We just need to keep a lid on her, keep her from finding out anything that she could use."

I agreed and stood up. Landon followed me, but we both just stood there watching each other. The tension from earlier suddenly came back into the room and Landon looked away from my gaze and walked out.

I slowly followed him. Now there was yet another thing to add to my plate. If Megan Olly could have peeked into my thoughts at that minute she would have had plenty of dirt to publish on me.

Then again, it was my own fault for getting mixed up with a reporter like her.

Emma's POV

That night, before I climbed into bed Alison grabbed my arm and pulled me out on to the balcony that connected to our suite.

She pulled the door shut and then swung around and looked at me with her eyebrows raised and her arms crossed over her chest.

"Okay," she said simply. "Spill. Now."

"What?" I asked, confused. "Spill what?"

"I cannot be imagining that you've got those little rich boys hanging on your every move, so spill."

I looked at her in shock. "Wh—Rich boys—Alison!"

She smirked, "Don't tell me you didn't notice!" She said in a theatrical whisper.

"I—I didn't—"

Her look of accusation transformed into amusement in milliseconds. She shoved me lightly on the shoulder.

"Emma! Literally?"


"Girrrrrrrrrlllllll," she dragged out grinning widely. "Ooooooo!! We are going to have fun!!"

"Alison what are you even—"

"Sh, shh," she said waving a hand in my now blushing face. "Don't worry about it— Gah! I can't believe you didn't notice! I can't wait to tease Forest about this!"

And with that she was gone. Back into the suite, leaving me shocked and frozen on the balcony.






Hey guys! Hope you like this chapter! It was fun to write :))
Who is this Megan Olly?? Suspiciousssss

I also just wanted to let you all know about a new book that I'm starting (!!!) it's called Falling (a werewolf book hehehe) and here's the summary and a quick little excerpt:


Entering my changing room I frowned at some of the clothes Jules had picked out for me. She was walking a very thin line with some of the options she had picked out. I sorted through the clothes to find things that I would actually try on and the clothes she had chosen specifically because Matthias was sitting just a few meters away. The first was a navy and white sleeveless dress that flowed out at the waist stopping mid-thigh. It was definitely something I would pick out to try. When I moved it flowed through the air which I liked but I wasn't sure if I would actually get it or not. Deciding that there was no better time than now to see what Jules thought, I could hear her chatting with Matthias about a shirt she was modeling, I walked out before I could overthink it.

Jules spotted me first and grinned, "Oh good, I'm glad you liked that one, the color is so good for you--" but I didn't hear anything else she was saying. Matt had turned around and I had frozen under his gaze, watching his eyes drift up and down my body. His lips parted as he looked up at me from his seat finally meeting my eyes. I felt heat rushing to my cheeks as he simply mimed twirling with his fingers.

I spun once, letting the fabric whisper around my legs and then held out my hands in a stupid pose, trying to get him to stop looking at me with such a heavy gaze. Not that I didn't like it, but that I was a little scared Jules would screech if she saw the glint in his eyes. That, and I wasn't sure how much longer I could stand up with his rapt attention.

"You're getting it." His words broke the spell.

"I agree," Jules said, she was completely unaware that Matt had just flipped the world upside down and right side up again in a matter of seconds with just one look. "Next one! Hustle!" She shooed me back to the dressing room.


It would be awesome if you could give it a try! I'm really excited about it. Love you all, don't forget to leave a vote or a comment!

See you all next week :)

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