Chapter 42

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A/N- tis not Friday but here's an update because it's cuuute and ahhhhh soooo yeah :)

Emma's POV

We split into the three cars again, this time Harper, Gerald, Alison and I were joined by Chris and Forest.

"I hope this place has a lot of bread," Gerald sighed. I shot him a glare and he looked innocently back at me. "I need to fall into a carb coma. I'm exhausted."

Alison grinned and to my surprise Forest laughed too, looking back at the three of us. "You took a nap during the break." He said raising an eyebrow at Gerald.

Gerald's hands went up defensively, "That just proves my point: I'm tired and need carbs."

"No, it shows that you are always tired and you just want an excuse to eat lots of bread." Alison said laughing.

Gerald folded his arms and shook his head. "You all will never understand." He said dramatically making us all laugh.

We arrived at the restaurant with the other cars and were escorted in to the lavishly decorated building. The hosts led us to our table and soon everyone had settled into a seat. Alison sat on my right and when I looked to my left I found not Gerald, but Landon. He gave me a grin and I smiled back hesitantly. Forest was sitting on the other side of Alison and he was the one who called everyone to attention.

"I just want to say, good job today, all, and I'm looking forward to being able to actually get to know you all now that the media has calmed down around all of you," he gave one of his easy smiles. Everyone chuckled. The media frenzy surrounding Forest and his project had indeed settled down. We were still found by many paparazzi and had been contacted multiple times about having interviews but everything was nothing compared to the crowds we had handled before. We had needed at least three security guards each.

We all settled into talking to each other. Milton was telling an animated story on the other side of the table and everyone around him was laughing. Forest and Gerald were debating something with Alison throwing in comments every few seconds. Harper was eating chocolate. I was happy to just sit in silence and heard Landon strike up a conversation with Cora who had been trying to catch his eye. I almost felt bad for him.

The food arrived and by that point Landon was practically begging for someone to help him escape Cora's exaggerated flirting. I decided that he had suffered enough and joined in the conversation.

"I hear we're watching a movie or playing some games after this," I said and had to bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from laughing at Landon's thankful expression.

"Oooo," Cora said, "I hope it's not going to be a scary movie." She pulled a pouty face. "I get scared so easily."

"I like scary movies," Landon said quickly, it seemed like he was happy to jump on anything that separated himself from her.

"Oh good," she said and Landon's face fell slightly as he realized he fell into her trap. "Then if it is a scary movie you can help me not get too scared." She batted her eyelashes at him. I suddenly had a coughing fit. Landon glared at me.

"Well, we might not even watch a movie," I said, "That would be better for you, Cora, you were complaining about staying up too late last night."

"I just need my beauty sleep," Cora said. She probably would have sent me a glare if Landon wasn't there.

I heard Landon mutter something that sounded vaguely like "A fat lot of help that does for you." And the coughing fit began again. This time it had magically infected Landon as well. Cora looked between the two of us through silted eyes.

It took far longer for the two of us to recover this time around and when we had both returned to normal Cora had decided we weren't worth it and had butted her way into a different conversation.

"Oi, Landon," I heard Forest's whisper, we both turned to see Gerald, Alison and Forest grinning widely. They must have really become close over volunteering today. Well that or Forest was just coming out of his shell. "What you say we all make a run for it?" He gestured at the five of us.

Landon's lips pulled into a grin that matched my friends'. "Bet, what we gonna tell the rest?"

"Our car got lost," Gerald said, his face transforming into a sad expression which made Alison giggle.

Landon glanced at me and I shrugged, "Sounds good to me." I said, matching the grins around me. Forest nodded and then made eye contact with Chris nodding towards the door. Chris gave a 'don't get into trouble' look then nodded back a light smile crossing his face.

"Let's go," Forest said standing and moving before anyone could say anything else. We all followed, Alison still giggling and Gerald practicing his sad, regretful face. When we walked out into the fresh air, the sun just setting in the west, Alison grabbed my hand and squeezed. This was going to be interesting.

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