Chapter 32

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We boarded the plane that evening, Alison and Gerald making bread jokes under their breath and then stifling their laughter as I sighed loudly every time, hiding a smile at the good ones.

I didn't see Forest, thank God, and Cora had taken a seat near the front so Alison, Gerald and I moved to sit nearer the back when we noticed two handsome guys sitting in the last row grinning and talking quietly to themselves. If they noticed us they didn't acknowledge us so after a shared glance between me and Alison the three of us sat down a few rows ahead of the two guys.

Everyone else filtered in with their small bags of stuff to work on clutched in their hands, looking around in amazement.

It was the first time that we had all gone on Forest's private jet, the first time I had ever been on a private jet in my life.

When Ally, the last to board, had settled in with her stuffed animal, a fluffy bunny named Charles Driver IV, seated safely on her lap the hostess gave the regulated reminders of what to do in case of an emergency. She then disappeared behind a curtain in the front of the plane.

I buckled my seat belt as Alison wondered out loud, "Is Forest coming?"

"Wouldn't want to leave us alone with the press, would he?" Gerald answered as he attempted to untangle his headphone chord.

"He probably fell asleep and is in the hold below is with all the luggage," a voice with a strong Scottish accent behind us said. I turned and saw a perfectly straight grin shining on one of the faces of the handsome stranger men in the back of the plane. "I've known him since we was little tykes, so I can say that about him." The boy added with a soft chuckle. "The name's Milton." He continued with a small nod at us, "and this free loader who is unsuccessfully trying to sleep when we haven't even taken off yet is Landon. I'm the one who suggested beach cleaning in Spain and Landon convinced Johnston to take him along for the trip as well."

Landon gave a grunt and pushed up the sleeping eye mask up over one bright blue eye to shoot Milton a deathly glare. "Don't lie now, Mil'," he said, his accent was very faintly British, "these lovely American's will discover your tendencies to stretch the truth and never shut up sooner than you want and then you won't have anyone to pester."

"My dear Landon," Milton said patting his friend's arm. "You have forgotten that I am only intimidated by your other eye. That one looks quite normal, not nearly as terrifying as you think it is."

I was confused by this statement and confirmed that I was not the only one with a quick glance at Gerald and Alison. Our unspoken question was answered soon enough as Landon removed his mask completely. The eye that he had revealed before was quite normal when you could see his other eye. It looked almost as though it used to be bright blue like his right eye but had been scratched by a miniature tiger. There were streaks of deep chocolate brown iris popping out. The contrast was visible from the two rows that separated us from them.

"Shut up, Milton," Landon said, but a slight smile was lightly tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"Ahh!" Milton said, bringing his hands up to feign terror, "so frightening."

Landon turned his gaze toward me and my friends, taking in each of us in turn. "Milton loves introducing himself to others but often forgets to ask their names." He said. His voice was deliberate and soft. He seemed to exude calmness whereas Milton burst with exuberance. "Forest tried to tell us everyone's names but I have regretfully forgotten them, could you refresh our memories?" His head tilted towards his shoulder just the slightest degree, but his gaze was still steady.

"Alison," Alison said with a slight smile, "and I have to agree with Milton, your eyes are cool and intimidating." She said her smile widening as she tried to show that she wasn't trying to be mean.

"Gerald," one of his irresistible grins had spread across his face and even Landon gave in to his urge to smile, his teeth were perfectly straight too! What was with all these rich handsome dudes with perfect faces and teeth???

"Emma," I said quickly. Landon's stare was almost unnerving. It seemed like he was reading into your soul.

"Ah yes," Milton said with a grin, "the one who executed directions perfectly." I gave him a slight smile.

"That's me." I said, Alison must have sensed my awkwardness because she took ahold of the conversation immediately. Her rapid fire questions and responses kept the five of us entertained and awake until we landed in Spain.

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