Chapter 15

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Forest's POV
The Day of the Final Test

I woke that morning to bright sunshine and a too cheerful cry of "Good morning!"


"No cursing this early in the morning, Forest, it's bad for your heath." Chris said shaking his head as I sat up in the hotel bed and squinted against the sun light that now flooded my room.

"Why are you in here?" I grumbled.

"I won't take that as an insult," Chris started and I grunted in reply, shoving the covers off of me and letting my feet swing off of my bed and hit the carpeted floor. "We have to get moving and I know how much you love getting up when you actually fall asleep."

I sighed, yawning as I stood up and stretched then walked to my suitcase and pulled out some clothes, stumbling my way to the bathroom.

"I also know how much you love hearing opera music," Chris added with a devilish smile, his phone appeared in his hand and suddenly Das Rheingold began playing.

I groaned and grabbed one of my shoes, throwing it at him and slammed the door to the bathroom shut.

Bad news about having Chris wake you up: opera music and bright lights.

Good news about having Chris wake you up: you actually wake up.


Emma's POV

The same day

I hadn't slept well in the past week.

Ever since Grace had found out that I had made it and she hadn't she had suddenly found other friends to sit with at lunch, other things to do whenever I was around, cooler people to talk to.

Rebecca at first had been sympathetic to her.

"She's just being Grace, she'll come back soon enough," she had said the first day.

But she hadn't.

And it was test day, and I could barely think straight.

As I got into the car, I was barely thinking about the test-- the test that a huge portion of the world would be watching-- I was thinking about how much my stomach was turning. I didn't notice the drive away from my house back to the school that we had seen Forest for real the first time, I barely felt myself get out of the car and walked in with my mom. I walked into the school and joined the line of students from every middle school in our section, ten students from each totaled to be a huge number of people wandering around and a very long line. When we made it to the beginning of the line I said my name received a packet and was told to report to the small gym.

I said good bye to my mom and walked into the smaller of the two gyms, following the stream of students. I began to regain consciousness as I walked into the gym because we were seated by school and the only seat left was right next to Brett.

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