Chapter 52

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Emma's POV

Everyone took in the news as was expected.

By the time we had all packed all of our things and made our way out to the cars Cora had already had two mental breakdowns and scared Nancy by screaming.

I didn't really register anything that was happening once I got back up to the suite. I know we drove to the airport then boarded the private jet. I know Chris broke the news to everyone about the whole program being ended early and then ended indefinitely. I know we flew the rest of the flight back to the airport near Forest's estate, but I didn't realize that people were talking.

All I could think was that this was somehow my fault.

We piled into more cars and then were left to fend for ourselves when we pulled up the driveway to the giant entrance doors of the mansion.

I made some excuse to separate myself from the rest of the group and found my feet bringing me out the back of the mansion. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and was surprised when I found myself at the willow tree I had talked to Forest just a few days earlier before we had gone to Spain.

I made my way to the swing and sat down. A soft laugh escaped my lips to my surprise.

So much had happened since my awkward bread question that it was weird realizing it was only a few days earlier. That only a few days earlier the only thing I was thinking about was whether or not Forest thought I was a weirdo.

I pulled my feet up onto the bench, wrapping my arms around my legs, and rested my chin on my knees. Now there was so much more to worry about than whether or not the billionaire liked me or not.

"Funny meeting you here," a familiar voice said with a hint of humor.

My head snapped up and there he stood.

"Forest," I said, surprised.

"Mind if I sit?"

"Oh!" I nodded quickly, "no--yeah."

Forest moved quietly to sit next to me, leaning back on the bench. He closed his eyes, letting his head fall backward, and let out a long sigh. It was quiet for a few seconds, both of us not sure what to say.

"I'm sorry." I bit my tongue to keep from saying 'jinx!' seeing as we had spoken at the same time.

"What are you sorry for?" Forest asked, confused, his head snapping up as he turned to look at me.

"It feels like this is my fault, the whole thing with the story and--"

"You don't have anything to be sorry for, Emma," Forest shook his head. "This was not your fault, it feels as though this whole thing was a bust from the beginning."

"I wouldn't say that."

"Well," he shrugged, folding his hands together, "I'm sorry that you have to go home now--you know, everyone." His words were rushed at the end of his sentence.

I nodded, not sure what to say and silence filled the air around us until Forest spoke again.

"I'm also sorry I didn't get to know you all better," his words were slow, calculated.

"It was a weird time," I shrugged, offering him a slight smile that he returned. I moved to rest my feet back on the ground and placed my hands on my knees, looking down at them.

"I wanted to ask you something," Forest said, and my eyes flew up to meet his. "Is that okay?"

I nodded.

"I was wondering if, I mean, when you're back and all that, but I wanted to know--"

"Why did no one tell me there was a group hangout going on?" A familiar voice asked loudly and the sound of crunching gravel morphed into Landon sauntering around a near tree, an easy grin on his lips.

Forest's mouth hardened slightly but he offered Landon a slight smile and leaned back on the bench we were sitting on. He threw his arm over the back of the bench, "We knew you'd show up eventually," he said, "Can't even get a minute to ourselves, apparently."

Landon shrugged and kicked a pebble off the pathway, "It's a talent, what can I say?" His mismatched eyes turned their gaze to mine, "When's your plane leaving?"

"Tonight," I said, glancing between the two boys. Forest was watching Landon warily and Landon seemed to be trying hard to not look at his friend.

"Damn, that's too bad," Landon frowned, tucking his hands into his jean pockets. "Everyone's bailing tonight, huh?"

I nodded, but Forest was the one who spoke next.

"There's a lot of pressure from the press, the first planes had to be booked."

"Still, seems like we were just getting to know each other and now away they go," Landon shrugged.

"Maybe we'll be back," I said uncertainly.

Forest grimaced, "There will have to be quite a bit of work to do if we are to try this project again, unfortunately. Perhaps in a few years," the smile he attempted to give me was a little pained.

"Way too long to wait," Landon said with a charming smile that faded in the silence that followed.

"I should probably go make sure I'm ready to go, then," I said, standing awkwardly.

Forest jumped to his feet beside me and both boys spoke almost in unison.

"I'll walk with you." Their eyes cut to each other and both boys frowned slightly.

"Okay," I said, trying to ignore the strange tension that had filled the air and started back towards the house. Forest and Landon fell into step beside me, one on my right and one on my left respectively.

We walked in silence and said a quick goodbye at the base of the staircase up to the rooms. I took the stairs two at a time and fell onto my bed with a groan. I really did hope that there would be a way for us all to come back together again in some form. It took me a few minutes to get the will to stand up and begin to pack all of my stuff into some luggage. All the items I had brought with me from home and all of the new items I had acquired while here were stuffed side by side in the bags.

Our luggage was all packed into the cars by some of the staff and we were all bundled into the seats as orderly as possible. Alison, Gerald, and I got to sit beside each other on the way to the airport. We stuck together all the way until we hit the beginning of the line for the security checkpoint.

Forest and Chris went around and began to speak to smaller groups of us at a time, Landon and Milton were nowhere to be seen. I was glad that I had gotten to say goodbye to them earlier.

"It was really nice to get to meet all of you," Forest said honestly as he and Chris approached the three of us. "It's really unfortunate that we have to leave each other now."

"Seriously," Alison said pouting, "But this isn't goodbye forever, right?"

"Yes, of course," Chris said, "But it is goodbye for a rather long time."

"Yuck," Alison responded, then shocked both boys by pulling them into a hug. Gerald joined with no hesitation, pulling me in with him.

"Thanks for a good one, mate," Gerald said in a very bad British accent making us all laugh.

When we all pulled away, Alison and Gerald kept chatting, Chris adding in something every once in a while. I would have joined in but everything seemed to fade into the background, the only thing I was aware of, and trying hard to not think too much about, was the fact that Forest's eyes were locked onto me.

They stayed that way as we said our last goodbyes and followed me through the security lines and down the corridor towards the terminal until they were blocked from view.

The English Billionaireजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें