Chapter 50

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Emma's POV

The next morning at breakfast was hard to try and act normal.

My brain was still reeling from everything that Forest and the other boys had explained to me last night.

"Wait, what?" Forest's words seemed to be ringing around the room. He had to be wrong.

"She's ruthless, Emma," Landon said. His tone was the most serious I had ever heard him, there was no sign of the Landon from yesterday in his face.

"Megan is a fan of picking up people, using them to get what she wants and then walking away happy as can be," Milton frowned, his hands clenching.

"But, what could she have possibly got on me?" I asked, it didn't make any sense.

"Earth to Emma," Alison said, waving in front of my face, a piece of toast held in between her fingers. "You still with us?"

"Oh, uh," I nodded, trying to focus on the conversation at hand. "Yes, I'm here, what's the plan?"

"We're going on a bus tour," she said giving me a weird look.

"Sounds good," I said, flashing a tight smile and then looking back down at my hands in my lap.

"Too bad Forest is busy handling the whole Landon-thing," Gerald said, leaning back in his chair. "I've grown fond of the guy."

"You just like him because he gives you pity laughs for the stupid things that come out of your mouth that you call jokes," Alison said, shaking her head with a slight smile to show she was joking.

"Exactly, a wonderful man," Gerald grinned.

"It's... well," Forest glanced at Landon who clenched his jaw and stood up.

"She thinks your like someone else," Landon said, staring at a blank wall, avoiding eye contact. His hands were balled into fists at his sides.

"Who? What's that supposed to mean?" I looked between the four boys who all suddenly had seemed to find something interesting to look at.

"It's a long story," Chris finally said with a sigh, glancing at Landon.

"Then give a summary," I said frowning.

Chris grimaced—

"Please watch your step as you enter the bus!" The tour guides Spanish accent was light as she cheerily ushered along the small crowd of tourists Alison, Gerald and I were a part of.

We stepped up into the bus and found seats near the middle, plopping down beside each other. Harper and a few others had decided to join us, but they sat further in the front of the bus.

Too bad, I could probably use some chocolate.

The bus lurched forward as the tour guide picked up the handheld mic that connected to the sound system in the bus. She began to talk about the route we were taking and how we could get off at any stop do what we want in the area and then grab any of the tour buses to continue the route. She began pointed out some historical landmarks and buildings as we passed. The group all crowded around the windows, taking pictures and pointing at the sights.

I tried to join in but a weight had settled on my shoulders that made it hard to focus on anything else.

Landon turned so quickly it made me jump.

"She thinks you are like my sister," he said, frowning. Even though he was facing me he didn't meet my eyes, like he was embarrassed or intimidated.

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