Chapter 16

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Emma's POV

"Alright, Emma's here," the math teacher that I had never had who was supervising our group smiled at me. I was confused as to how she knew my name but then I noticed the clipboard she was holding had pictures of us and our names.

I sat down next to Brett trying to position myself so I didn't have to be too close to him.

"Ready to take yet another test?" He asked.

I shrugged, glancing over to him and noticed that the girl sitting on his other side had started talking to the boy on her other side. I was left to face the beast on my own.

"I'm really confident." Brett said simply, scanning the crowd of advisories as if challenging them to contradict him.

"Okay," I replied not wanting to talk to him but knowing he wanted a reply.

"If you aren't confident you aren't going to win," Brett said matter of factly.


I could feel his eyes on the side of my face. But I didn't say anything.

"Think you can win?"

I didn't answer, the nerves in my stomach gave me a hello and I felt like I was going to puke.

I could hear Brett's smirk as he said, "sucks."

Just then someone grabbed a microphone and called out for everyone to be quiet because they were getting ready to start.


Forest's POV
just a few hours earlier

I had awoken to Nessun dorma with the added bonus of Chris singing along.

Sharp. And off beat.

When I had complained he had shot back with a challenge as to whether or not I could do better. This led to a very long session of me trying to sing tenor and Chris trying to sing louder than me.

Let's just say it didn't end up well and we both just got yelled at instead.

Now we were both in the car going to one of the openings of the final test. This one would be videoed to all of the other section's gatherings. (Which is good because I can't be in more than two places at once).

The only problem with this set up was that the place where we were going to was the smallest location so we had been briefed in case something bad happened.

The closer we got to the school the more I started to get nervous, even though I had talked to so many crowds, heck I even talked to the president of the United States, I was still nervous.

Chris must have picked up on my mood change because he started talking about some random facts about Kansas. I didn't really hear any of them but it was a nice gesture.

When we finally arrived we were bustled out of the car and into the building, following a small hallway that led to a gym where there were two burly looking men on either sides of the doors.

"Alright, and we are almost ready for you, Mr. Johnston," a lady with a clipboard who had been one of the people ushering me and Chris from our car to here said. Just like that the murmering coming from behind the doors quieted down and I could faintly hear someone talking into a microphone.


Emma's POV

"And today we have a special suprise!" the man who had grabbed the microphone was saying, "before you head into your testing rooms that your chaperone will led you to, there's someone here to say hello and offer some words of encouragment!"


"Let me introduce to you..." the man paused for dramatic effect as the entire room seemed to sit straighter and lean forward just a little more.

"Forest Johnston!"

My eardrums.... I don't know if they're still there.

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