Chapter 41

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Emma's POV

We were all riding back to the hotel to get changed and ready for dinner. The day had been a lot of work but we had gotten a lot done. I had met some of the other volunteers and gotten to know them through my broken Spanish and their broken English.

Harper was taking a nap in the back of the SUV that had picked us up after we had said goodbye for the day. Landon had checked his phone and was now talking to someone on the other end. They seemed to be talking about a business deal or something, but I didn't really understand just based off of Landon's responses. When he hung up we were almost at the hotel again.

He ran a hand through his hair, closed his eyes and leaned his head back against his seat. "Never let an intern take a diplomat to a luncheon." He sounded tired.

"What?" I asked, not sure if he was talking to me.

His eyes opened and he turned his head to look at me. "They'll get lost and anger the person you're trying to keep happy."

"That sounds very unfortunate." I responded.

He chuckled, closing his eyes again. "It really is."

We turned onto the road the hotel was on.

"Do you know where we're going tonight?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Nope, that's Chris' job, I honestly spaced out when he was talking about it."

I smiled slightly as the driver parked outside the hotel entrance. "Another unfortunate situation."

"Indeed," he chuckled again, opening his eyes and opening the door. Harper woke up and followed me out of the car and into the grand entrance. The car pulling away when we crossed the threshold. Landon turned to me. "Do you want me to walk you to your room?"

"No, I'm good," I said quickly. His eyebrow quirked in amusement.

"Alright, see you."

"Bye, Emma," Harper added as we split to go to our rooms.

The ride up to the room was quiet, when the doors opened I was dragging my feet along to hallway exhausted. It took all my effort to pull the heavy door open and I stumbled into the living area of the giant suite.

I must have been the first to get back so I went into my room, grabbed some clothes and quickly took a shower. The water was relaxing and helped to cool me off from the long day outside in the heat. I got out and put on a t-shirt and leggings, wrapping my hair up in the towel to dry.

When I exited the bathroom everyone but Alison was back. I chatted with Nancy who had used another bathroom in the suite to shower about her time on the beach. She didn't know where we were going to for dinner either. I could hear Cora talking loudly in the living area and was trying to ignore her when I heard a familiar voice.

"Well, Forest said we're going to a nice restaurant, so I would not wear that if I were you."

I grinned as Alison entered the room, rolling her eyes as she left an angry Cora in the other room.

"Or that," she said with a friendly grin to show she was joking, pointing at the casual clothes both Nancy and I were sporting. We all laughed and moved to change.


All the girls, except Cora, were sitting in the living area, waiting. Cora was still doing her hair and makeup. Everyone was wearing some form of a nice summer dress. Mine was navy blue and Alison's was yellow. We were supposed to be downstairs to meet the boys in a minute, but Cora swore she was almost done.

It was another five minutes before she appeared and walked to the door without acknowledging us. Everyone shared a look and followed her out into the hall and onto an elevator. We were quiet as we descended to the main floor. When the doors opened Cora tossed her hair over her shoulder and strutted out towards the group of boys who were lounging on some sofas. I stuck by Alison.

Forest smiled and stood up, prompting the rest of the group to follow suit. He said something about going to a popular Spanish restaurant and then gestured for us all to head out the front doors.

Gerald sidled up beside Alison and me. "Did I make the right move in betting that Cora was the reason you all were late?" He asked, his eyes were glinting with amusement.

"Absolutely," Alison and I said together. The three of us laughed as we walked outside the hotel.



hey friends! bit of a slow update today because I've been working on another story that I'm really excited about! It's a werewolf story and when I've got more of it down and fix a few details I'll be posting it on here and it would be awesome if you could give it a read :)

This book is coming to an end, but I am working on coming up with some stuff for a sequel, there will be a time jump! Why you ask, well, I guess you will have to see *evil laughter*

I hope you are all doing well and as always thanks for reading, voting, commenting, all of the above-- thanks for being you!

peace until later,


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