Chapter 1

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Emma's POV

"Gordon, front and center!" My science teacher, Mr. G, yells.

I slide out of my chair and walk to the front of the classroom.

"Yes, sir?" I say and look at him.

"What does 'Feed the Bear' mean?" He asks.

"Well, sir, I think that it means that we have to make the Bears happy." I say.

"Who are the Bears?" He asks.

"You, the other teachers..."

"Good, sit down." He say then walks to the front of the room and I sit back down.

"So, say you are on a camping trip and you have food and your site is surrounded with bears. You have to find out what each of the bears like to eat, when they like to eat and how much they like to eat. Your doing this right now, and so am I." He stares at us. "Your teachers and your parents, people who are older and in power, they are your bears."

The bell rings.

"No homework, but think about it!" He says as everyone rushes out the door.

Finally, study hall.

I go to my locker and grab my math homework, then cut through the library, and say a quick "Hello!" to the librarian, then head into my study hall which is my Language Arts classroom.

The bad thing about study hall is that I don't have any of my really good friends in it, but I have some friends still in it. Like Regan for instance.

"Emma!" She says then sticks her hand up and we high five, like we always do.

"Regan!" I say then we both wriggle our hands around, our high fives hurt sometimes.

I drop my math book down on my desk and open it up and start on my homework as the final bell rings.

"Class, please listen up!" My teacher, Mrs. Brack, says and sits down at her desk and clicks a few times on her computer. Then she turns around and looks at us, and I stop working on my homework.

"We are lucky enough to be able to participate in a new program that is starting this year." She turns in the projector and a video pops up on the screen. "We are going to watch this video and it will explain the new program."

Suddenly a teenage boy appeared on the screen. He was, might I add, very good looking. He smiled.

"Hello, students!" He said in a British accent, "My name is Forest Johnston some of you may have heard of me before, I invented the Air-Riders. I live in England and have decided to begin an organization that takes smart 12-14 year olds, takes them through multiple activities and helps them improve in many areas, such as physical activity, education, and many more. This program will be taking part in England, France, Greece, and Italy.

"Each of you will have a chance to enroll in this program, which will take part in the summer. It costs nothing, but every student who tries out will have to pass a series of tests. Mind games, SATs and ACTs and other very hard tests." He smiled. "Only 12 people will be picked and one person in each part of the state that we have chosen to work with. This year we will be working with Kansas."

A happy squeal burst out and one girl next to me said, "I'll try out so I can see him more!"

"Shhhh!" Mrs. Brack says and everyone turns their attention to the screen again. Forest had been talking about the different sections that one student will be picked from. There was a map behind him and I found the place where my city was located, it was labeled with a 7.

"I can't wait to see you!" Forest winks then the screen turns black.

"So class," Mrs. Brack says as she passes out some papers with more information on it. "As you can see on the flyers it talks about the day you can sign up for this."

I look at the paper and a few dates are listed.

"The first date you see there is the sign-up day," Mrs. Brack says, "Where any student ages 12-14 who wants to try out for the program can sign a form. Then the forms will be reviewed along with your past grades, and those with the best grades will move on. They will only take 50 students from each school."

A few students squirm in their seats, they were probably people who wanted to sign-up but probably won't make it in because of their grades. Mrs. Brack noticed it.

"Just because you haven't had the best grades doesn't mean you shouldn't sign-up!" She says, "if not enough people sign-up, then even some of the students who do not have good grades will probably make it!

"The second date is when the names of the students who made it past stage one will be released. Then the third date is where the students who made it will go and take a test. The test is formed to find the brightest students, in this round only 10 students from each school will make it." Mrs. Brack paused for a breath then began again.

"The fourth date will be the date of the ultimate quiz show and all the students who made it to that round will compete in a series of brain games. There will be 10 total winners. Those will go and be individually interviewed by a man and a computer. The students will have to answer as many questions as they can and complete as many tasks as they can before their time limit runs out." Mrs. Brack then smiles, "Then finally there will be a winner!"

She glanced around the room. "Any questions?"

"Will the person who gets picked do anything besides academic and physical stuff?" Daniel asks.

"Yes," Mrs. Brack says, "The students who win will get 2 million dollars, and be able to go through the same program again the next summer, less demanding and more free time."

"Cool," Daniel says.

"So if you win you get a free trip to England, Italy, France, and Greece and 2 million dollars?" Hunter asks incredibly.

"Yes," Mrs. Brack says then the bell rings. "Have a good night and the sign-ups are tomorrow!!" She calls to us as we all crowd out the door.


When I get home I turn on the computer and search Forest Johnston.

99,234,239 hits.

Wow, this guy is famous.

I go to the pictures tab and there are thousands of photos with the very good looking British boy who was talking to us on the screen not half an hour ago at school.

When I go back to the web tab I click on the first site that says: FOREST JOHNSTON, Savior or Failure?

The article was talking about how Forest was trying to show Britain that he wasn't a stuck up billionaire and he actually cares about people and everyone else thought it was hogwash an all other kinds of stupid stuff that didn't even make sense.

I spent the next hour researching Forest an finding out why he was doing this and what did others think about it. I watched a video interview with him talking about his 'Project America' and he kept getting booed and cheered from different people. It was kind of cool, but yet pretty harsh.

Forest is a 16 year old billionaire because he invented the Air-Rider. The fastest car ever. It floats on air and can reach over the speed of 350 mph. They sell for about 15 million dollars and are absolutely beautiful and amazing. Forest didn't become famous because his father presented the model to the car companies. But Forest got the money for it. When Forest's parents died Forest was 14. He bought a house, well mansion and has been living there for 2 years with a staff of 150 servants and his butler/best friend Chris who is actually two years younger then him, so he's my age.

When my parents came home, I had a speech planned out for them so I could sign-up and try to get into this program. But it turns out I didn't need to, they let me when they first read the letter. Then I hugged them and started doing a victory dance.

It wasn't all that pretty.


Not very much to say but thanks again for reading! :)
Please comment and vote and all that. :D
Okay bye!
<3 ~~Arya

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