Chapter 38

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Emma's POV

I took Landon's hand and saw his grin turn into a smirk as he noticed my hesitation. I didn't dare make any sort of negative facial expression at him as the paparazzi had begun to take photos from behind a line of security guards. So instead of frowning or sticking out my tongue I just released his hand when my feet hit the ground and patted him on the shoulder, quickly following Harper before I could fully comprehend what I just had the confidence to do.

Forest was chatting with three of the people in the safety vests in Spanish, gesturing to the beach and the tents that the other activists were under. A moment later Alison stood beside me, Gerald having gone to chat with Will and Parker at the back of the group. I didn't know where Landon was, and I didn't care... right?

Alison gave me a small nudge with her elbow and I turned to face her. My hair was blowing in the wind and I almost ate some of it as I hissed, "What?"

Her eyes were sparkling as she handed me an extra hair band, her hair already up in a pony-tail. "Nothing," she said innocently then patted me on the shoulder as I snatched the hairband from her with a mumbled thank you.

"If you will all follow me," one of the men from the activists group said in a thick Spanish accent, "We will go and separate into groups there." He pointed to the tents.

I shot Alison a small glare at the shoulder patting which made her smile back. We followed the group and I could hear the faint clicking from the paparazzi.

"You'd think that people would have better things to do then photographing people walking on a beach," said a male voice from my other side. Oh goodness. Landon.

"Honestly," Alison replied, saving me from having to say anything so I just nodded in agreement. "We should makes them help out with the cleaning and take pictures of them."

"Annoying People Who Yell At Celebs Cleaning Beaches," I added, bringing my arms up like the news person in Spiderman, imagining a headline, "copies sold out everywhere." They both laughed but were quieted with the sound of a megaphone screeching to life.

"We will be splitting into groups of ten and spreading out across these two beaches here over this week," said a woman in an orange vest, "when we place you in a group please come get a vest if you have not gotten one and a trash bag. Your group leaders will have all the equipment you will need for your locations." She then began talking in Spanish, I assumed it was a translation. "Then," she continued in English, "your groups will move out to the sections we have set up for you for today, we'll break for lunch in your teams and meet up here again when your section is done!" Another change to Spanish and then she smiled at us all. "¡Bueno, vamos a guardar el medio ambiente!" She said and people cheered and began moving. I blinked. I wish I had paid more attention in Spanish class.

"Come on, if we look like we can't leave each other's sides then hopefully be in a group together," Alison said grabbing my hand. Landon chuckled.

"I think Forest is going by car for groups so don't worry too much about that," he said, his British accent sounding so different from the Spanish one we had just listened to.

"Oh thank goodness," Alison replied, but didn't drop my hand, "let's get a vest and a bag and then go see what's up." She said and began dragging me towards a table with brightly colored vests.

"Please keep me from saying anything weird," I mumbled to her as I saw that Landon had gotten out of earshot, cut off by a group of activists who were walking the opposite direction.

She laughed, "I'll try my best," was her reply shooting me a wink and then throwing a yellow vest at me as she grabbed an orange one.

Landon reappeared and grabbed a yellow vest, "Allons-y, Mesdemoiselles." He said with a little bow and a sweeping of his hand.

"No need to show off," Alison said shaking her head and taking the lead back to where the other winners were gathering.

Landon turned his eyes to me and grinned, "That's about the extent of my French," He admitted.

I gave him a shrug as we followed Alison's curly brown hair, "I only know like five words in French because my dad only remembers them from high school."

He nodded as we reached the outskirts of the group, "Yeah, I only know a little because of my sister's French beau." I caught him roll his eyes.

"Not a fan?" I asked and he turned to me smirking.

"Hell no, French people are stuck up, well," he shrugged, "so is my sister so I really can't judge." I laughed.

Then I heard what Chris, Forest's assistant and friend was saying.

"We'll be splitting up by cars and then in half from there so we can mingle with the other participants, so if you can all listen up to the assignments and then head over to the group leader who is holding up your group number that will be great." He looked down at his phone. "James, Ally and Will in group one, Parker and Mil group two." His fingers scrolled on the screen my heart was beating really fast, please, please, please. "Forest, Gerald and Alison group three, Harper, Landon and Emma you're group four—"

Literally, this has got to be some sort of practical joke.



a bit of a longer update, hope you all enjoyed!!

thanks for being you :)

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