𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝟕

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Preeto groan annoyed as they walked to the Escalade taking them to ARD.

Khushi and Arnav chuckled seeing her throwing daggers at Aman who looked confused seeing Preeto glaring at him as she walked past him and into the car.

"She hates easedroppers. " Khushi whispered and Aman finally understood she was still pissed at him for ease dropping on them a few weeks ago.

They all entered the car and Aman apologized but Preeto ignored him making Arnav and Khushi laugh at Aman's helpless state.

In the car on the way to ARD, they discussed the meeting about Khushi meeting the investors and a renewal contract with GT Textiles.

Arnav was impressed at how fast Khushi had grasped on to things but then he remembered she was a business and designer degree holder and top of her class together with Preeto.

Khushi felt a gaze on her and turned to find Arnav staring at her with pride and it made her heart jump in joy and blushed under his gaze.

"Yikes, you two are behaving like a bunch of teenagers....... The guys staring non stop and the girl blushing profusely....... It's so cliche yet romantic. " Preeto teased giggling as she turned to the couple at the back seat and Khushi looked away embarrassed as Arnav smirked.

"Jealous." Aman mocked and Preeto's head snap back at him glaring.

"You know something, am not going to let a busybody like you ruin my mood." preeto chided as Aman chuckled.

"You two will make a great couple. " Arnav exclaimed out of the blue causing Aman to step on the breaks and as a result, they were all jerk forward and back. "Aman what the fuck. "

"Sorry boss but I will rather die than fall for this chatterbox who doesn't have any filters or know when to shut up. " Aman retorted as he continued his driving and Preeto's head snapped back at him.

She started running insults on Aman who cussed her back but Arnav and Khushi more amused than worried and they started laughing at the back knowing they will definitely end up together after all, they  started like this.


Lavanya and the other employees stood at the door to welcome the owner of the textile company who had been one of the main factors for the success of the company and was arriving to renew their contract.

Since Aman had to pick up Arshi and Preeto, Lavanya was left to schedule the welcome and meeting for the signing of the new contract.

"Lav, ASR will be here soon....... After weeks, you two will be together soon." Pam squealed happily and Sim nodded but Lavanya looked nervous but composed herself.

The other employees looked annoyed because for the past few weeks Lavanya had stopped bossing them around but with the arrival of ASR, they knew she will start her obnoxious behavior again and they had to tolerate her because she is the boss's girlfriend and they didn't want to lose their jobs complaining about her to him.

The door opened and in entered Khushi and Arnav with Aman and Preeto behind them.

Lavanya was shocked seeing Khushi and she felt jealous to how they both complimented each other.

She was wondering what Khushi was doing her and who the girl with Aman was and same went to the employees.

"ASR welcome. " Lavanya exclaimed enthusiastically ignoring Khushi.

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