𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝟏𝟑.

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Hi guys.

I have been notified that a lot of people don't receive the notification on almost four updates of the story.

That will explain the reduction in votes on some of the updates.

I contacted wattpad and they said it's being worked on.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

And please those who don't follow me, can you please let me know if you get the notification for this update.

Now back to the story.

No proofread.

Outskirts of Delhi.

Aman and Preeto entered a beautiful luxurious apartment to find two boy being chased by a toddler while she giggled.

"Welcome Mr Mathur and Miss Sinha. " The young mother of the children greeted as she served them tea and snacks.

Aman and Preeto happily took it and eat enjoying the delicious snacks and sweet tea.

"How are you Aditi? " Preeto asked friendly as she placed the empty cup down on the center table and Aditi responded saying she was okay but it dropped after a few seconds. "Is something wrong?...... If you don't feel comfortable here then we can move you out to a better place. "

"No Miss Sinha am happy here...... See how happy my children are........Compared to the slums are was living in, this is heaven on earth the reason why am sad is because I feel horrible for agreeing to be a surrogate to a monster like Shyam Manohar Jha who was going to use the baby for horrible things....... As much as am sad for aborting the baby, it's better this way....... I know you people wanted me to keep the baby for myself but I can't bring a child into this world like this....... I only agreed to do it because he made me believe he and his wife were good people....... Having the abortion is all on me." Aditi explained making Preeto and Aman sigh in relief.

"Don't worry about anything...... After we expose Shyam and his wife, we will help you and your children leave the country if you want to...... Their education now and in the future will be covered by us...... We will also find you a job when the time is right okay........ My boss which you would accept the monthly allowance instead of working but it's your choice and we respect that. " Aman smiled at Aditi who thanked them for their help.

Aman and Preeto then took their leave after giving the children all the toys they bought for them.

Aditi sat on the couch watching her children happily playing.

She was a divorcee who left her husband after her mother in law's guru claimed she and her children were bad omens and that's why her husband didn't have a stable job when the truth was he was disrespectful and harrassed women everywhere he went.

In the beginning she struggled to take care of her children until an agent approached her to be a surrogate for a lot of money.

She seeing this as an opportunity for a better future for her children didn't turn back especially when she spoke to Anjali on a video call.

She found her to be sweet and wanted to help her achieve her dream of becoming a month.

The insemination went on smoothly and she got pregnant but a week ago, she was approached by Preeto and Aman who revealed the true reason for Anjali wanting a child and the kind of person they both were.

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