𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝟗

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Mami crawled up to Nani begging her to help her win Manohar back but she ignored her, walked up to Manohar and hugged him as he cried on his mother's shoulder.

Akash, Arnav and Khushi teared up seeing a grown man like him crying like a child.

It was no secret he loved Mami and this was hurting him deeply because he went against is mother to marry her.

A part of Arnav and Khushi felt guilty as this had affected them more than they thought it would.

Their plan was to reveal the nature of how Shyam and Anjali started and use it to isolate them from any support apart from themselves but not at the expense of hurting Manohar like this.

"Thank you Miss Mehra, I hope you are now happy. " Akash cried out hurt by Mami's actions and Mami looked stunned hearing Akash address her by her maiden name. "Just like Papa, you are dead to me........ From now on, you have no rights over me....... You don't exist anymore and I will gladly go to jail for murder if you dare interfere in my life. "

Mami wailed shaking her head whilst staring at Akash who was trying hard not to breakdown because he knew he had to be strong for his father.

He turned his attention to Anjali and Shyam and it's was a look of anger and disgust.

"How could you have an affair with a married man after everything that happened to this family in the past?....... How could you? " Akash yelled making Anjali flinch.

"Akash dear don't waste your time on her....... She is not worth it........ To think I thought she would learn from the past, but look at her......... No different from her father........A shameless adulteress. " Nani exclaimed in disgust and disappointment.

"At least am not a murderer like you. " Anjali yelled angrily as Shyam closed his eyes at the stupidity of his wife.

The whole family turned to her in shock as she moved from behind Shyam and walked up to Nani fuming.

"At least I didn't murder my daughter like you did. "

Arnav matched up to Anjali and yanked her away from Nani who looked defeated hearing Anjali use her worst fear against her.

Manohar held onto her before she could fall back and led her to the bed making her sit.

Arnav was about to yell at her when Nani's words beat him to it.

"I never thought in a million years you will call me a murderer....... It's no secret Ratna didn't commit suicide because of cheating but because she didn't have anywhere to go as I have disowned her and threatened to do the same to Manohar if he ever helped her when the time comes."

"Nani don't say that....... You know it's not true......... Maa killed herself because she was weak...... You didn't kill her. " Arnav tried to dissuade her but it wasn't working as Nani shook her head crying.

"Maybe if I hadn't disowned her then she would have run into my arms for comfort and safety........ She wouldn't have taken her life. " Nani cried uncontrollably and Khushi rushed up to her and hugged her but after a few seconds, Nani stopped crying and went limp in Khushi's arms.

Akash, Arnav and Manohar screamed out her name and Khushi broke the hug to find Nani with her eyes closed and realised she has lost consciousness.

Arnav carried Nani out to his car as he screamed for Akash to call the hospital and inform them of their arrival.

Anjali limped down stairs with remorse oozing out of her as she saw them rush Nani out.

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