Love & Time

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Harry's pov


When I first laid eyes on her she had taken my breath away. The simple little things of her scrunching up her tiny nose when she is over thinking, or simply just her beautiful smile that made my heart racing 100 times a second. My first encounter with Riley was very interesting she had her face down on the floor I asked if she was okay and suddenly she looked up and her hazel eyes looked straight into mine. I'm not going to say it was love at first sight, but it was defiantly something I couldn't explain.

After I had gotten to know her I had asked Riley to the annual ball. Well, it was more of me telling her because of some girl kept asking me to go with her. Riley wasn't no rebound but I was planning on asking her anyways... Even though I knew it was wrong.

I had taken her to my sacred place I go to when I need to sort any problems I was dealing with. She is and the only person that knows of that place. I remember her closing her eyes and enjoying the woodsy breeze that made her hair fly with the wind. She was perfect.

She had asked me why I had brought her up there and I didn't even know myself. But I just had this feeling that I needed too. After walking back to the camps it was already late and this unfamiliar fluttering was beating against my chest. I didn't know what it was. I look down and see both our hands were side by side brushing softly against each other. I don't know what had gotten in my head but I reached out for her hand had intertwined it with mine. I heard a soft gasp escape her rosy lips. She looks up at me and I softly smile at her, in return she shamelessly blushes.

*4 weeks later*

Riley and I have gotten closer than ever before. We were inseparable. We knew things about each other and how strangely we are complete opposites but yet are still compatible. But today was a very special day.

Today was the day of the dance. I spent all day fixing my hair, changing my ties, i was a mess because I wanted to look perfect for Riley. This girl made me feel things I have never experienced before. It was a change. It was new and I plan on it staying this way. I walked around the camp slowly as I'm about to pick up Riley.

My sweaty palms of nerves were wiped away on my dress pants, the hyperventilation was excruciating, but the excitement was unbearable. I couldn't wait to see what she looks like. I approach her front door and i softly breathe in and out before awaiting to knock on the door. After a few moments I took enough balls to do it. She didn't answer immediately but as she finally opened the door I completely stopped breathing. Riley was standing in front of me and I didn't know what to do or say but to stare at her. She looked absolutely beautiful with her white, long silky dress that hugged her curves in all the right places to how her hair was loosely up as a couple strands of hair had fallen in front of her face. no words could explain how i was feeling but to know that I was in complete awe of her. I slowly tucked away the strands of hair that had fallen and looked at her.

"You look absolutely beautiful Riley."

"You don't look half bad styles." She said as she winked at me. All I could do was laugh.

"Are you ready to leave?"

"I am ready as ill ever be."

We arrived at the ball and so many kids were there having good time, eating each others faces, and dancing. It seemed like we were at prom without the supervision. I look beside me to already see Riley smiling up at me. As we made our way in the middle of the dance floor a slow song had come up and I knew this was my chance.

"Would you like to dance with me?" I asked

"I would love too."

As we stood Riley cautiously wrapped her arms around my neck and i hugged her waist tightly against my body. she had her head on my chest as I leaned down to her ear.

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