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I had got to meet nialls friends and they arent bad I had got to know them I knew Louis was the funny one, Liam was the sensible one, and Zayn was they quiet, mysterious one.  Niall was still being his rude self. And then there was Harry. He didnt make any eye contact with me or talk to me the whole time, and it frustrates me on how he makes it seem like he doesnt even know who I am. I do have to admit that since last summer I had lost some weight due to the stress I have had at home, and my hair is longer but it is still no excuse to not recognize me. I didnt change all that much.  Maybe this is his way of him telling me that he doesnt want to remember what we had together. Maybe this is his way of telling me that I was just some girl he had met that summer when there was no one else around. I suddenly cried for the most longest time until I couldnt cry anymore and all the water from my eyes were no longer there. And I had drifted off to sleep knowing that I was still head over heels for this boy I had loved last summer and I couldnt do anything about it.


I had to work due to the fact that the day care at camp need more volunteers to supervise the little children. So I willingly decided id help. As I walked up the porch to the daycare cabin I see one of the supervisors starting to come up to me.

"hi, thank god youre here! We need all the help we can get!

I walk in and its like a zoo! Little kids running everywhere and all the supervisors running around chasing the kids. I spot a kid by herself playing with her Barbies so I decided to join her. As I sat across from this little girl she throws the Barbie at my face and ran away from me! It was a direct hit. My nose was starting to hurt when I see a boy come next to me and sayI think you need an ice pack for that.

"ya think? I questioned. I mean it hurts but not enough for me to need an ice pack.

"yep. Or else it will swell up big time." He smiles at me then gets up and walks away. A few minutes later he comes back with something in his hand

I got you the ice pack but it took longer than seems like the kids were trying to trip me on the way there."

as I was laughing i looked at him, I couldnt move at all. He was absolutely breathtaking. He had curly hair, fair skin, his smile was perfect with dimples when he smiled, and then there was his eyes. They were of a green leaf color. All I could do was stare at them like an idiot because somehow I had got lost in them. I was then interrupted by one of the supervisors, ordering us to get back to work only to realize I had been staring at him this whole time. I can feel the heat radiating off of my face knowing the redness in my face was defiantly showing. I looked down from him and I was totally embarrassed.

"lets get back to work then."As he stood up he lended me his hand.

"Im Harry by the way" Showing off his dimples at me.

"riley." I say

as we were walking around the daycare, harry was stealing glances at me. Is there something on my face?!

so why did you decide to volunteer here at the day care?" he asked

" Well, because i wanted to help out since they were running low on volunteers and there was nothing to do here at camp anyways."  I said

"what about you?"

"well, I needed community service for collage so my dad decided it would be a good idea for me to join." he said

"Thats a good enough reason... I come to camp every summer to get away from all my problems and worries and just enjoy myself."

 He just stared at me, probably not knowing what to say.

"Both of you come here!" one of the supervisors yelled at us

"we need you both to be in charge of taking care of the little ones until their parents come and pick them up. Understood?"

"yes both harry and I said

as every child was picked up I kept stealing glances at harry. I couldnt help myself. He was so the last child left I decided to pack up my stuff and go back to my cabin.

"riley.." I hear him come up from behind me.

"uh-yeah?"I say nervously as I can feel him really close to me.

"I was wondering if you were going to the bonfire later tonight?"

OMG! I had totally forgotten about the bonfire! Myfriend wanted me to go, but I just feel so worn out and tired.

" dont know, Im pretty beat from today and I think I just need to sleep".

 I look up at him and he seems kinda of disappointed.Was he? As I stared up at him his eyes staring right into mine. None of us moving. I couldnt breathe, Hisgreen eyes were starting to make me weak to my knees. Was that even possible?

"okay I guess Ill see you later. Breaking my trance as he slowly walked away from me to the darkness ahead."

Wow he had taken my breath away and I barley even know this I slowly go back to the cabin I couldnt help but think about him. And as I start to think, I really wish I could see him again.

                         *end of flashback*

Riley? Riley! Wake up! We have a long day ahead of us!

what time is it?

âits 10:30 so wake up, get ready, then come down to eat some breakfast. Hannah says as she leaves my room.

ugh I get up from my bed to go to the bathroom. As I leave my room I start to rub my eyes when I suddenly bump into something I open my eyes I see harry looking shocked. To my surprise i finally notice that he is in only a towel wrapped around his waist. With his hair dripping wet with my hands against his abs, I can feel the redness appearing on my face. And I run back to my room without looking back. As i shut the door from behind me I slide down against it burying my hands in my face. Not only was that totally embarrassing but also being so close to harry sent a tingling feeling throughout my body, remembering the way I had felt about harry.but the past was the past riley, and he made it very clear that he doesnt want to remember you or what had happened that summer. I need to forget about him. And move on. But somehow it seems a lot harder to do it than saying it.


hello everyone!

I hope a lot of you were satisfied. This was one of the lame chapters I have written.

But I am back in the game and I swear coming up in the story there is going to be a lot of drama!

Comment or vote! If you have any suggestions or questions then inbox me!

My 1D complicated lifeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora