full of suprises

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                                i love Niall's his eyes in this picture swoon! :D



As I’m walking back to the cabinI couldn’t help but think about today especially harry. Should I have gone to the bonfire?

“Hey riley! Are you going to the bonfire?” my roommate asked me

should I go? Harry is going to be there. What is there to lose right?

“Yeah, sure.” I say smiling at her

as we arrived to the bonfire I was searching for harry. I looked all around me. They were mostly teenagers drinking their beers and girls shamelessly flirting. None of them were Harry. After a lot of searching he wasn’t here. Did he change his mind? What is he doing instead of being here?

So I decided to sit down to one of the bonfires near me. I didn’t know anyone here at all. I thought that since harry was supposed to be here it wouldn’t have really mattered.

As my mind was wandering about today i don’t know how harry could just look at me with those beautiful green eyes of his and can make me paralyzed from head to toe.  There was no doubt about it that he was probably a player back home. He probably used his dimpled smile on a lot of girls and gets whatever he wants. What am I thinking? He was probably just talking to me today because he had felt bad that I had a dam Barbie thrown at me by a three year old girl. Why would a guy like harry want to talk to a girl like me? I mean one look at me and no guy would take interest in me.

“Is this seat taken?”  

I look up from the side of me.  And I couldn’t believe it. He’s here.

“No, go ahead.” I say to him.

Harry was now wearing a white polo shirt that shows how fit he is, and beige chinos. And his eyes were sparkling green reflecting off the bonfire in front of him.

“Well, look who decided to show up.” He said smirking at me

“it was a last minute decision. It just dawned on me that I would be all alone in the cabin while everyone else was here.”

“I’m actually glad you decided to come.”

Woah. Woah. Woah! Wait a minute! Did he just say he was glad I came?  I couldn’t help but feel the heat rise in my face.

“Yeah, me too.” I say to him

okay now that he is here, I now have another problem… what do I say now? OMG! Don’t panic riley! Think… THINK!

“So riley what school do you go too?”  Breaking my panicked thoughts.

“I uh go to Stock well Park high school.” I say trying to act as cool as possible. But I think I’m pathetically failing.

“So are you a senior this year?”

“yeah I am? What about you?” I ask oh god please don’t be younger!

“I am a senior as well.”

after moments of silence looking at the bonfire I turn to my head looking at harry and he must of sensed me looking at him because he did the same as well. Locking eyes with each other. I didn’t want to break our intense eye lock but I can feel myself start to blush and that would be embarrassing if he noticed.

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