niall being his rude self again

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As I make my way downstairs I see harry, niall, and Hannah eating their breakfast I suddenly think of what had just happened an hour ago. Not exactly what I had in mind waking up in the morning too that but shit happens.

As I make my way to the kitchen i grab my plate grabbing whatever I could and  then leave, till I hear the voice I had long dreaded not to hear

“why don’t you sit with us?” I look up to see harry smiling at me. Damm his beautiful smile

“oh-uh okay.”

as I sit down as far away from harry and niall I sit next to Hannah

“so what exactly did you decide to wake me up this early in the morning for?” intrigued to know what her answer might be

“okay first of all… its 11:00 so calm yourself, secondly I wanted to go shopping with you so that you can have some new clothes since the clothes that you are wearing-“

“that you are wearing what?” I say

“oh-uh… nothing just go get ready so we can leave. So hurry up!”  She pulls me out from my chair leading me to go upstairs.

“Let me at least eat my breakfast!”

“Too late.” Hannah says as I look to see my plate being completely cleaned off by niall

“get your own food!” I say smiling up at him so he could know that I was joking

 niall looked at me and said

“well if you wouldn’t have barged in into our lives then this would have been for me.” He scornfully said

 okay I guess he couldn’t take a joke. And one thing is for sure…I didn’t know what to say... I look to see Hannah and harry looking at me probably waiting for my reaction.

“Whatever, well I’m going to get ready Hannah.” I say irately. She just nodded as harry watched me leave.

As I getting ready I decided to take out my computer and go onto my personnel online journal. I haven’t written in it since I came here. That’s a first.

see have this online journal that I keep to myself so whenever I need to get something off of my chest or whatever I go on there to say what I have to say. And since no one can see it. I am completely safe.



HELLO!  I’m back, and a lot has went down since the last time since I was last on here. So auntie sent me to live with my father who has two kids and a wife. And to my surprise his son is no other than NIALL HORAN. Well believe it… because it’s true. And he is in that band… oh uhh I think its something direction.. or… oh! ONE direction! Yeah well he is a complete jerk if you ask me. He wasn’t very welcoming. His sister Hannah is very nice and sweet unlike her brother. Yeah well I had also met the rest of one direction. Yup… you heard me. Louis, Liam, and Zayn. They were all nice guys and I seriously don’t know how they can be near niall. it beats me. But any who… everything else seems to be okay I guess. Well I’m heading off to spend some time with Hannah. (:

 p.s did I forget to mention that harry styles is in one direction as well? and he is at niall’s house this instant? And that he doesn’t even remember me after all that went down last summer? Oh I did..well maybe there was a good reason to it. Love riley x

As I logged off my computer I headed downstairs.

“ Hannah?! You ready to head out? ” I yell out

“oh okay ill make sure of it … okay see you later bye.” I over hear Hannah get off of the phone

“okey dokey! Let’s roll! Harry make sure Niall behaves and the food better be here when we get back.” she says pulling out to the car. And for a mille of a second as I was walking away I could have sworn harry was staring directly at me.

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