meeting my sister, family & One Direction?!

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I was suddenly woken up by a loud banging on my door. I open my door to see a girl who looks about 17 or 18 like me, has blonde hair, and has Niall's eyes.

"Hi I'm sorry about my older brother niall. He can sometimes be really rude at times." I looked at the girl.

"oh im Sorry... im hannah."

"hi, im riley ."

" i know! my dad mentioned you being my half sister and all. I just came up here to tell you that dinner is almost ready and if you want you can sit next with me."

"I would like that."

"Oh and I forgot to tell you... Niall's friends are here to eat dinner with us also. There are four of them but they don't bite!"

"okay I'll be down in a few."

now I have to meet my new family and Niall's friends all at once.

Tonight seems like it never ends.

As I fix myself up in my favorite skinny jeans and a white v neck I finally make my way down the stairs to hear a lot of laughter coming from the living room

"well here goes nothing" I say to myself as I enter the living room to see a full room of boys and saw that niall had stopped laughing to stare at me as other boys had followed his lead to stare at me as well.

I can feel myself burning up in embarrassment. I looked up to look at the boys and they were all good looking.i was suddenly looking at this one boy who looked like- But I had lost my train of thought as I feel an arm pulling me away from the room.

"I'm so sorry! You should've told me you were downstairs!"


"its fine. Well I can see that you had already met the boys you too know how hot they are."

All I can do was blush.

"Since you are here lets go to the kitchen and introduce you to my mom."

I can feel my palms getting sweaty and my stomach was doing some major flips on me making me feel nauseous I think I am about too-

"hi riley, im Mrs. Horan but please call me Sam." As she stuck out her hand in front of me as i had just stood there like an idiot just staring at her. She was absolutely stunning. She had blonde hair just like her son's, with navy blue eyes that had stood out most.


"Dinner will be ready soon so until then maybe Hannah can show you around this place and Hannah... be nice."

" mom. Im always nice to people." She said smiling

"uh huh sure honey . It was nice to meet you riley ."

"It was really nice to meet you too Mrs. Horan."

"Please call me Sam."

As we left Hannah had lead us to a room near the stair case. If you didn't pay attention you wouldn't have noticed it.

"How did you like meeting my mom?" looking amused

"She seems nice."

"That good. But enough of that talk... I don't know about you but those boys were staring at you like crazy! Just to let you know on a secret since youre so pretty I wouldn't doubt that they wouldn't try to get at you."

But before I could respond to it I hear sam telling us that dinner was ready.

Hannah and I were the first ones to get our seats. And then it was Tom and the boy's. All five of them sat across from me. And Hannah, Sam, and Tom was on my side.

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