finding out the truth

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im still here at the park when i decided to call hannah.

i call hannah and after the few rings she picks up.

"Yellow?" she says

"Blue." i say jokingly

"hey riley! whats up?"

"hey, are you busy by any chance?"

"im just at the coffee shop grabbing a frappachino" she says as i can hear someone ask for her order.

"hey, im near by do you think i could meet you up there?"

"yeah of course!"

"okay see you there!"

as soon as i get there i see hannah near the coffee shop window holding a cup of coffee. i enter the shop and sit in front of hannah.

"hey, how have you been?" hannah says as she gives me a hug across the table

"i have been good, but i should be asking you the same thing." i say seriously

"i have been good.." she muttered to me. but the way she had said it made me think otherwise.

"come on, i know you well enough to know that something is wrong. you dont have to tell me but im

advising you to tell me. i know that something is up." i say being serious.

she looks up at me and just by looking at her i was 100% that something was seriously wrong.

"i have a confession to make but you have to swear to not tell anyone. you have to promise me,"

behind her seriousness that covers her face i could tell she was about to cry?

"okay... probably the start of your suspsions was when i didnt go to the concert with you was

because......... i went to the pharmacy."

"okay...." i say trailing for her to go on

"And got a pregnency test."

i could feel my eyes shoot wide open and my jaw shape an ' O '

then i had to ask her

"Are you....?'

"that's the thing.. it was just a false alarm. i got lucky i guess." she said fumbling with her fingers.

"if i may ask... who was the guy you did it with?"

"once i tell you, you need to hear me out before saying anything."

"sure." i try saying with an reassuring smile

"it was with Liam." okay if i was shocked before this one definatley hit the spot.

"let me explain, see when i told you me and liam hadnt done anything i sort of lied because the

day before i asked you we had gone too far and actually did it. i mean i dont regret that i did  it

with him. it was amazing... or say incredible but i wanted to tell him that i loved him and i didnt want to play around

anymore and thats when i told you that i didnt want to do anything with him unless i know how he

feels about me, reffering to having to sleep with him. and i am telling you the truth that i havent told

liam that i loved him that night. but what is starting to bug me is that liam hasnt even brought up the

night we slept together and has been ignoring me ever since. i dont know what to do. i was going to

tell you sooner or later but the timing didnt seem right. but the out of nowhere you suddenly caught

on to me. im so sorry! i just didnt want to bring any drama to your life." she finally finished and

started crying.

i was lost for words i didnt know how to respond. i guess the only thing i could only do was to reach

over and hug her.

"Everything is going to be okay. liam doesnt seem like that kind of person to do something so

horrible. i know there must be a reason to his actions. i just have a feeling. and with the... um

misunderstanding im glad that you arent. but other than that it will be okay. i will be here for you no

matter what. you can always come to me. besides im your sister." i tell her.we both look at each other knowing that everything will be okay.

"lets head back to the house and watch some movies... the boys are having a night out with each

other so we can have the house all to ourselves!"

"that sounds like a plan!" she said smiling up at me.

as we were walking out of the shop hannah soon stops and as i look at her she looks like she was

about to cry as i see the water trying to escape from her eyes. i soon look to see what she was

looking at to see.....


sorry for the late update! and for the short chapter! i am just letting you all know that i start school tomarrow and i am not sure when i am going to be able to update. i am definatly updating this weekend though.

how did you like the chapter???? and the cliffhanger is necessary so the new chapter could start. plus wasnt the best but i wrote this very late.... :)


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