Zayn's voicemail

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As I put in my 4 digit code in 

"You have one unheard message-" I know hurry the hell up!

"Hey riley, it's zayn why did you leave so early? I thought you were having a good time? Is it because

of Niall? Because if it is don't even worry about him, he will get over whatever this behavior is.

Anyways I have to go. Call me back as soon as you get this. I just hope you are okay. Bye."

"End of messages, to listen to your messages press one-"  

I pressed one again because I'm of sure if this was really happening or somehow my ears are

deciving me. After hearing the voicemail again it was official. This was really happening.  

so let me get this straight... Thee Zayn Malik is worried about me? The big question is why? Why

would zayn be worried about me. I am suddenly feeling my eyes start to slowy close on me. But I

still need to call him! But somehow the darkness to over me.

I am walking down the sandy beach on sunset. I'm all alone but yet I was somewhat peaceful as

I breathe in the fresh air of the smell of sea water around me. It somehow eases my stress and

worries away. As I take in the beautiful sunset I front of me I hear a familiar voice call my name

on the right side of me. And I all of a sudden see Harry and Zayn? As I am walking towards

them I lookup to see zayn's warm hazel eyes fixated on me and his wonderful smile. I look at

Harry beside himand see his beautiful green eyes on me showing off his amazing dimple smile

that I have alwaysloved. They were absolutely breathtakingly gorgeous. I'm still trying to reach

then but it feels like Ihave been walking for hours... But as I am realizing this they are sudden

starting to fade away and Istart to run to them "Harry! Zayn!" I yell out to them. Im running as

fast as my legs could take me. Out of nowhere I trip on something causing me to fall on the ground. As I look up at them And slowly watch them fade and fade until they are finally gone.

*gasp* I shoot upwards from my bed as I am breathing really heavy and fast and my heart is

beating rapidly. It was just a bad dream... Just a horrible horrible bad dream. As the sweat slowly

comes down my face I quickly wipe it away as I try to calm myself. Then as I am doing so the

memories from last night rushes back into my head. I still can't believe that harry walked me home

last night. I'm still surprise at the fact that he can still make me blush like that. I can't even

remember the last time I actually did.  

Omg! Then Zayn called me last night leaving me a worried voicemail and I didn't even reply to it! I need to see him. 

I decided on taking a quick shower with the radio on. As I am applying shampoo I hear WMYB come

on. What the heck right? So I decided to sing along to that. I may not have an amazing voice but I

don't care. Let's just hope nobody hears me. After I'm done with the shower and blow drying

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