what are you doing in my bedroom?!

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i was right... the drive back home was awkward. we were driving back home, and niether of us had said a word to each other. i stole glances from time to time and everytime i do he was still in the same postion, his hands were grippping tightly against the steering wheel that his knuckles were white, his jaw stayed tensed, and his eyes looked pained. did he regret kissing me? does he feel the same way?

we finally made it back to the house. as he makes a complete stop in front of my house, i turn my head towards him to see if he would say something, anything to me... but he didnt. he just stared straight ahead with no emotion on his face. if i was angry before i was definitley pissed off now. i slammed the car door shut without looking back and ran to the house. i see everyone looking at me so i ran to my room and shut the door.  i feel rejected, so hurt and most definatly angry. what is wrong with me? first harry and now zayn. what is it with me that guys always have to run away from me? i always get hurt. and i am tired of it. i suddenly hear a slight knock at my door

"are you okay riley?"  he said as he shut the door behind him. by he i mean harry styles.

"im fine. i just need some alone time is all." i tell him.

"you dont seem fine... what happened? we all saw you as you looked like you were about to cry... so dont tell me you are fine because you are not." he sternly said keeping his gaze on me.

"it is none of your busniess! so you can just leave." i say standing my ground.

"no." he says as he walks towards me.

"no?!?" i shockinly say as we are face to face with one another

"you heard me... no." he said to me as he whispered in my ear

"fine stay here for all i care but im not." i say as i try to pass him, but sadly i terribly failed as he grabs a hold of my arm causing me to get pulled backwards and forced to face an angry harry.

"nope, niether of us will leave until you tell me."

" i guess we will be stuck up here for a very long time."

"good by me, so will i be sleeping on the floor or the bed?" he questioned with a faint smirk on his face.

"excuse me? uhh who says you were sleeping here?" i say crossing my arms to my chest

"umm you did, because technically you said that i could stay here until you tell me the truth and so by all means i have to sleep here." harry said all in one breath. this was probably his plan to just get under my skin... so i guess i have to play along with it so i can prove to him that i dont care.

"whatever, you are sleeping on the floor then and i swear if you try any funny busniess with me, you harry styles are a dead man. you hear me?" trying to make myself clear.

"i solomly swear to try and not do any funny busniess with you." he says as he raises his right hand up in the air.

"oookkkkaaaaayyyy... well i need to change into my pj's so you need to leave ." i tell him but secretly inside i figured out a plan for him to leave and then lock my door ha! i dont think he will see this coming.

"how do i know this isnt some sort of plan for you to kick me out and lock your door so i wont come back in?" he said raising his left eyebrow. i guess he did see that one coming.

"dont you trust me?"

"as of right now no." he said

"i wont lock you out! i need some privacy!" i tell him as i push him out the door. as soon as i get  him outside of my door i go with my plan and quickly locked my door.

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