Epilogue : the letter

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Years later

After, I had ran away from Harry because I couldn't handle the pain of being lied to from the boy I loved and finding out he was going to get married.

I guess I was more hurt by the fact that he didn't fight for me. I knew he loved me but I guess it wasn't enough.

I ran to my favorite spot by the tree and I saw zayn there as well. He helped me cope with my pain and I knew zayn and I were far from a friendship that was just friendly. He loved me and he had taken care of me when Harry didn't.

Zayn and I have been together for almost 4 years after that. I hadn't been more happy with my life.

Of course I wondered where is Harry, and what he is up too. Harry would always have a place in my heart. He was my first love.

After all that Liam finally admitted to Hannah that he loved her and he was afraid she regretted ever being with him. They are still going strong and are having their first baby together. Ironic isn't it?

Niall had moved to America with his all American girlfriend. Niall and I had made up and are really close now.

My father and I had a long discussion and it was sad at times where we cried but I knew my father was sorry for not being there for me and regretted it. And I forgave him.

I had just came home from work and zayn was in the studio working on his new project. The mail had just came in and as I was looking through them I had seen a letter for me. It seemed kind of old. I opened it up and began to read.

Dear Riley,

I don't know if you remember but this but today was the first day we met. I had decided to write you this letter after I saw you one day at the park with zayn. I told the post office if they could send you this letter 4 years later. If your reading this I'm really happy you are.

I wanted to write you this letter because I wanted to fully apologize for all I have put you through. I am so sorry about your mother, and I'm sorry for all the tears that had escaped your beautiful eyes. I never wanted to hurt you. I'm sorry I had never fought for you... For us. I wanted too but I was afraid at the time. I didn't want to disappoint my father than what I already have. That is one mistake in my life I will forever regret. Because I don't have you. I loved you. No I love you. I still do but I know you are happy with zayn because he has done things for you that I didnt. I hope he treats you good, I hope you are happy. As of now I am married. I am starting to love my wife but it will and shall never be the same love I have for you.

I hope one day in time we will see each other again. Whether we run into each other or a simple wave at a train station.

You are special Riley. And I hope you have a wonderful life ahead of you. I'll love you always.

I would say goodbye but I don't believe this will be our last. So until then...

Xoxo Harry

Tears were running down my face. Not from sadness but happiness. I hold the letter against my chest as if it were Harry I was hugging.

The door opens and there was zayn in his ripped up jeans as leather jacket staring at me from the floor. He leans down with a worried face and asks if I am okay. I told him I was fine I was just happy. He picks me up and tells me he will be right back.

As he left I still held the letter in my hands in a tight grip.

"Until then..." I whisper as if Harry could hear me.

HELLO EVERYONE! wow it has almost been a year since I last wrote in here. I'm so sorry for that!

I would like to say thank you for everyone who has been through this journey with me. I loved writing this story and I hope it met to everyone's expectation! I would like to thank my family for supporting me through out this story and I wouldn't have done it without you.

Comment below on your thoughts or anything! I believe this story is now a part of my life and I hope everyone falls in love with this as much as I do.

Goodbye everyone. Until then...

Xoxo bryana

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