cafe time with louis tomlinson

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like i had said before i plan on finding out the truth. i decided to text louis and told him to meet me in front of my house in five minutes. he can at least tell me something. i meet up with louis and he hugs me. we walk to a cafe near by and as we go inside louis buys a cup of yorkshire tea. we sit down next to the cafe's main window and louis looks up at me. by the way he is looking at me right now he must know something is up

"so riley... what's up?"

"i actually texted you because i wanted to talk to you about something important." i tell him as i bit my lip in anticipation

"are you okay? did something happen?" louis said worrying

"im alright, i am just curious about something." i reasurre him

"okay hit me."

"well, you see hannah has been talking to me recently about liam... and i need to know where liam stands in all this. has he talked to you?" he looks at me as if he was hesitating before saying

"he has talked to me, but i cant say anything,"

"why cant you? look whatever you say is not gunna leave this room. i just need to know because hannah is hurting badly and it hurts me to see her this way. after seeing liam with that girl the other day i just want to know liam's side of the story... please louis please." i say practically begging him

*sigh* " okay fine, weill look liam likes hannah alot but he was to scared to do anything because he doesnt want to ruin thier relationship but he also thinks hannah doesnt like him back so a few days ago his ex-girlfriend danielle had randomly called him for some reason guessing to hang out with him, and thats when you and hannah seen him. and when he talked to me he..." louis paused

"what did he say louis?" i persisted

"He said .... that he maybe falling for his ex again after seeing her. but i know it is not true because truthfully i kind of already knew that he and hannah had a thing for each other. they made it obvious. and i still see the way he looks at her... he is head over heels for her. but that is all i know."  wow thats a lot to take in

"okay it makes sense in some degree but we need to make sure that liam realizes that he like hannah, but we cant make it obvious. i have a plan but i need your help in doing so." i tell him

"What do you have in mind?" he said as he leaned over the table.

"im not a hundred percent sure about the whole plan yet but i do know that we need to get them to go to the ball thats coming up..."

"how did you know about that?" louis questioned looking very suprised

"am i not invited to go?" i asked

"its not that it just that we werent gonna tell you yet." louis explained

"why not."

"we just werent okay?" but by the way he said it, i knew he was hiding something from me.

"so are you gonna help me or not?"

"yeah count me in. just tell me when and ill be there. but riley, is there something else you need to tell me?"

"what makes you say that?" i asked

"i guess i was just asking is all."

"bullshit louis." i know he is lying to me. no matter how much louis lies i can see right through it.

"excuse me?" louis asked as his face was in complete shock.

"you heard me, bull-"

"okay! i heard you i heard you. i just asked if you were okay riley."

"well im fine but louis if you have something to say tell me then just come out and say it. im done playing games."

louis looks out the window for a few moments before turning back to me

"Zayn told me about what happened between you guys a while back ago." louis explained. i froze. what does he mean he told him?

"i dont know what you are talking about." i say trying to brush it off

"cut the crap riley i know." i look up at him to see he was being totally serious.

"oh... what did he say?"

"i know enough... so has he talked to you yet?" louis flatley stated

" no he hasnt and he was a complete jerk to me that day so im just confused because i knew him as the sweet, caring guy and what he did was the complete opposite." i tell him as i rub my hands up and down my face.

"look riley give him some time. he will talk to you sooner or later. i know zayn and he isnt that much of a jerk to not resolve whatever this is. trust me."

"i trust you louis."

"okay good!  now lets have some fun!"" louis said as he jumped up and down his seat.

"where too?" i asked as louis got up from his seat lending me his hand and said

"that my friend is a suprise you will just have to wait and see."


hello everyone! thank you so much for 2000 reads! amazing!

this is a short chpt. but hope you all like it


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