Chapter 54

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Chapter fifty four : Presents

Rain Moretti

I was awoken by the smell of food, and an empty bed. I rubbed my eyes as they adjusted to the sudden light. All the lights in our bedroom were on and the doors of the balcony were slightly open.

I stretched trying to get rid of the sleep that still lingered, and reached for my gown that was two sizes bigger than me, and wrapped it around my tiny frame.

I swung my legs over the bed and proceeded to walk towards the bathroom. After completing my morning routine, I decided to join Angelo outside.

A bowel of muesli was on the table in front of him along with a proper English breakfast which consisted of bacon, eggs, pancakes, etc. As he read some book about politics.

"I was about to come wake you up." He stated, looking up.

It was cloudy, and the air around us was chilly but I didn't really feel it. "What time is it?"

"Just after 7am."

I gave him a pout, as I took a seat. "It's still so early."

"You need to have a consistent eating schedule, you cannot keep on eating at irregular times."

Angelo gently pushed my bowl, towards me. He didn't have to speak, but one could clearly see that he was telling me to start eating without saying it outright.

I suddenly lost my appetite but still craved the food in his plate as I watched him eat. "Can I have some of yours?" I asked, causing him to look up, from his book mid chew.

His raised his brow at me. "Wasn't this the root of your nausea?"

"It was... But yours looks so good right now." As I said this, Angelo let out an almost silent sigh and swapped his food with mine.

"The sun doesn't look like it's going to come out today." I mumbled to myself, looking at the cloud covered sky.

"That's because it might snow."  Angelo replied, not taking his eyes off me.

"That would be really lovely. We can build snowmen, and have snowball fights, Christmas would be complete."I chirped enthusiastically.

"No Rain. It will be freezing cold and you might get sick, besides it's childish to run around in the snow." He responded seriously, shooting my idea down quicker than it was conceived.

"But.. but-"

"No buts, finish your food." He ordered, shutting down any further discussions.

After breakfast Angelo asked Laurel to bring me a cup of hot chocolate and the cinnamon cookies that he brought for me, and then he went to go shower while I while I ate.

When I was done, I quickly tidied up the little dishes on the table and was about to take them downstairs, when Angelo came out of the closet, already dressed.

"Were you planning on going downstairs looking like that?" He questioned me, with a look disapproval.

"No?" I answered sheepishly.

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