Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two

Yawning, I opened my eyes and stretched. My head felt strangely light but I had really bad cotton mouth. I turned around coming to face to face with some shirtless guy who was still asleep.

Okay, I definitely don't remember him.

I rolled out of the bed, and rubbed my arms with my hands. I spotted my playsuit on the floor and then slipped it on, along with my jacket and shoes. I snatched my clutch off the floor and then marched to the bathroom. I grabbed some Listerine from the cabinet and I was about to wash my mouth out when there was a sudden twist in my stomach.

I hurriedly dropped to my knees and thrust my head in the toilet. I wretched violently, puking my guts out. Once I was finally finished I stood up and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. I grabbed the Listerine once more and washed my mouth again, longer this time.

Once my mouth was refreshed I made my way out the bathroom and downstairs. I heard a voice in the kitchen so I decided to stop by and see if it was Taylor.

"Morning," Taylor said, smiling when he saw me.

"Hey," I said. "Peanut butter and jelly for breakfast?"

"What's wrong with that?" he asked, putting the jelly and peanut butter back in the refrigerator and tying the bread up.

"It's disgusting. Where's the eggs benedict, the Belgian waffles, the smoked haddock kedgeree?"

He shot me a look. "It's wherever the hell your chef is cooking it."

I laughed. "How was the party last night?"

"You don't remember?"

"Not really...I came in, had a drink...and that's all I remember so far. I remember some guy named Carrot Top..."

He chuckled. "It was actually pretty wild. I didn't know you smoked..." He wrinkled his nose before taking a big bite out of his sandwich.

"I don't smoke."

"You did last night."

I thought about it.

Oh shit. I completely forgot about everything. I drank some Vodka, I danced with Chloe, I saw the guys smoking in the room and joined them, and then I went upstairs with... That was the guy in the bed! Reed!

"Thanks!" I told Taylor.

"For what?" he asked.

"You jogged my memory."


"You reminded me of everything that happened! That's why I puked..."

"So, you don't smoke?"

"Right, I don't. I just had a lot on my mind last night. That's all."

"If you say so."

"How was your night?"

"It was fun, when I wasn't worried about something smashing or breaking something or having sex in my bed."

I laughed. "Next time you have a party, you can throw it my house."

"Thanks," he said, sighing in relief.

"Well, I should get going. I'll see you later."

"Adios, amiga!"

I exited the kitchen and made my way out the house to my car. I made my way home taking my time to think about everything.

I finally arrived nearly an hour later, which was still too soon for me. I climbed out my car and ambled my way to the house. I fumbled for my keys and I was starting to get frustrated when the door swung open.

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