Compare (Request) - BSM Series

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I just finsihed school today ! Nothing's new when I got home, I have two siblings. One girl and One boy.

My sister's name is Natasha and My brother's name is Niall.

Niall and Natasha is much closed. Before me and Niall used to be so closed but then one day it all changed.

I didn't know why they like that to me? I have no idea. My Mom and Dad keep telling me to be strong. And my Mom said "just ignore it okay?".

Niall always compare me with Natasha, I know Natasha is much beautiful than me.

Niall always ignore me like i'm a ghost i front of him. He never tell me why he's like that.

Until one day, I heard he have a new girlfriend. I heard her name was Chloe.

Natasha went in America for her school. My mom and dad approved about her desicion.

Natasha and I is like bestfriend, to be honest we are close, very close.

"Honey! Come here" my mom said.
"Yes mom? why? Do you need help?" I asked while smiling.
"No, no Honey.. Niall's girlfriend will be here later so be ready." My mom said
I just nod and went back on my room.


Niall and Chloe was playing until she went in the bathroom, I was about to go out when Chloe was crying. I didn't know why,

Suddenly, Niall saw Chloe was crying. He was supsrised.
"What the heck Nathalie!? What's your problem? Why did you make her cry?"he yelled at me
"What? No?! I didn't make her cry."i exclaimed.
"No you made her cry! Go to your room ! Now"he yell once more.

I run to my room, crying.

Why would I make her cry? I didn't do anything.. What's the problem?

After I went in my room I heard Niall talking to our mom.
"Honey, calm down, okay? she's fine"our mom said
"No mom, you know what the reason I always compare Nathalie to Natasha because Natasha always makes me happy but Nathalie i don't know" Niall said.

After I heard what he say, I never talk to them, I never go hangout with them. I barely go out on my room. I will just go outside if I will get water/food or go to the bathroom.


I heard a knock on my door.
"Come in" I said while writting on my diary.
I was sitting on my desk actually, when I saw who was that. Niall?.

"Ohh yeah? What are you doing here? Are you going to yell at me again?" I ask
"No no no, I came here to say "sorry" because I realized comparing is not good and you are my sister but I'm so rude at you, I know before we used to be close but I broke it. I'm sorry Nathalie for everything I did before"
He said coming to me for a hug.

Ofcourse I will forgive him. I love him.
"Imm sorry , i love you so much ., you know that right?" He ask, I just nod


After that Me and Niall became close again, we never fight.. And Niall and Chloe became together again.

( A/N ) ;
Heyy peeps ! 🐯 how are you? i'm sorry for not updating, so this request is from my friend but she doesn't have wattpad but for my friend who request this

Thank you 😘

Feedback? i will love to read all your feedback😃😍

I know a lot of you knows the new single of One Direction the "Drag Me Down"
To be honest I love it so much and I can't stop listening ! 😍 My new favorite song is Drag Me Down now..

Qotd : how many times did you listen to Drag Me Down?
Aotd : i don't know but i guess 40-50 times now , 😂

Have a nice day !

All the Love, E.

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