Escape (Request)

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Requested by : emily_rodriguez345

TRIGGER WARNING : abusive and self harm ( If you don't want this type of story you may proceed to next chapter :> )

I've been friends with Liam since we we're little. I've met the the boys mostly everyday. Harry keep telling me that Niall likes me but they knew I had a boyfriend.

I actually used to liked Niall before but when he got a girlfriend 2 years ago I forced myself to stop liking him.

People thought being in a relationship is easy and fun but that's what I wish it was.

I've been in a relationship with Marco for 2 years now. Long story short we we're like couple goals in everyone's eyes. It was actually couple goals before not until this year, everything changed.

Marco became different person. He completely changed. Physical and emotional. From a sweet loving guy to playboy with lots of tattoos. I actually don't mind him having tattoos well he can do what ever the fuck he wants on his body.

But few months ago, May. He started becoming abusive. He would hit me constantly whenever I'm with him. I'm starting to regret moving in with him. My parents was actually against on us. They didn't want me to leave the house.

But instead of listening to them, I agreed on living with Marco at the age of 19. It wasn't the best decision I've made but I can't do anything about it to change it.

3 weeks ago, I started to change as well, from being the happy person I was to being depressed as hell. It wasn't easy. I stop eating because mostly I lose my appetite.

I started to distant myself from everyone and ended up staying in Marco's apartment and hide afraid that people might see what I look now.

I am covered up with a lot of bruises and scars, I also started self-harming. I don't know I feel like I'm trapped. Yesterday, Liam insisted of visiting me while Marco is away.

I keep telling Liam not to come but him being butthead he really did visit me. When I opened the front door I am already expecting him to be mad at me.

"What the fuck?!" Liam shouted. I kept my head down avoiding his gaze. "Mariette! What the hell happened to you?" He asked while shutting the door. I walled to the living room and sat far from Liam.

"Please talk to me. You're worrying me." Liam said sounding so upset. That's when I lost it, I broke down infront of my best friend. "Please...." Liam said.

" He..." I said between my cries not able to finish one sentence. "Hey Mariette, Calm down. It's just me. Don't be afraid. No one will hurt you." Liam assured me.

"Marco. He abuse me everyday..everynight..." I said. I forgot that I was only wearing a shirt so my arms are showing. Liam gazed turned to my arms. I quickly hide it from him.

"What is that?Are you hurting yourself?" He asked this time he sounds mad. I slowly nodded on him. He sigh. "How long will you let him do this to you? Look at yourself. You are losing weight. You have a lot of bruises and scars. And now you are hurting yourself." He said.

I remained silent not knowing what to say on him. He was correct. I can't deny it anymore but what would I do now? If I leave he will find me and hurt me again maybe it will get worse.

"Please tell me you are leaving him now." Liam pleaded. I shooked my head. "N-No I can't Li." I said. "What do you mean No? Yes you could!" He said getting frustrated now.

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