This Is Not Right

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It was a great day and I went shopping. Not until I bumped into Niall, yes Niall my ex-boyfriend. We broke up 6 months ago.

It was rainy day and I'm waiting for Niall to come home. He's been distant for few weeks now and I have no ideas why he is acting strange. I wanted to ask him what's wrong but I don't know how I will tell him. Maybe today is the right day.

I've waited for few more hours. Suddenly the front door opened. Here it comes, I'm going to tell him now what's wrong. He's also always outside which I think it's weird. I feel like he's cheating on me.

"Hi babe!" I said when I saw him. "Hi" cold reply on me. "Can we talk for a sec?" I ask. "Sure! What's wrong?" He ask nervously. I chuckled slightly. "Uhhhh is there something you need to tell me?" I ask. "No? Why?" He said.

"I mean you've been very distant lately. You always come home late and sometimes you're drunk. I mean is there something you've been hiding on me? I feel like I don't know you anymore." I sadly said.

"Uhhh. I'm sorry babe but I cheated on you." He said. That's when my tears started to fall down. "W-What did you say?" I said with shaky voice. "Yes it's true. I've been doing that for 2 months now. It's like I fell out of love on you. I mean it's not your fault but I just felt it." He said.

"What!? Are you serious?! All I did was to love and support you and then you will give me this in return?" I said. "I-I think we should break up. This isn't gonna work." I said.

Niall didn't respond and went to our room to pack his things. How could he do this to me. And now he's not trying to fix our relationship. This is fuck up! I hate him.

End of Flashback

Present Time
"Hi Princ- (Y/N)!" Niall said. "Uh hello!" I awkwardly said. "It's been a while, Good to see you again." He said. "Yeah! you too!" I said with a cold voice.

"Are you busy today? We should hang out. What do you think?" He asked. "Uh S-Sure!" I said with a fake smile.

It hurts to see him again knowing that he is with another girl. I mean he was the love of my life and now he's someone's else property. I still love him but with what happened between us I think we can't come back to each other.

We went to our favorite restaurant and he ordered. I was nervous and feeling awkward infront of him. It's been 6 months since I last saw him. He is more handsome now. Got more muscles and got more white. Overall he's prefect.

Ahh no I shouldn't thinking of this. This is not right. We broke up. We're just friends. Stop thinking about him. Wait what? Are we friends or just... I don't even know.

Niall came back and said "10 minutes our food will be here." "So How have you've been?" He ask. "I-I'm good. Single and Happy I guess." I said. "How about you?" I asked.

"Well I'm good. I have a girlfriend at the moment." He said then chuckled a little. Oh so now he has a girlfriend. Maybe this isn't good. "Well that's great." I said then smiled at him.

"So let's talk about our past. I mean I want to clear everything." He said. "Uhhh" I said. "I'm sorry I didn't fight on our relationship. I got scared. And I thought cheating and leaving you is a good idea. I've tried to contact you ever since after our break up but you changed your number. Your friends didn't even told me your new number because they said I shouldn't bothering you. I even tried to go at our- your house but I was scared knocking on it. I really wanted to work things out on you but I was so scared. And I'm sorry if I did not fight on us." He said.

I was speechless. I don't even know what to say. I mean I thought it was nothing on him. I thought he doesn't even love me. But it's too late now he has a girlfriend. It makes me sad that I admit it I still have feelings for him.

"Uhm I don't know what to say. I'm speechless and I'm out of words. I'm sorry." I honestly said. "No it's okay. As long as you're okay, I'm okay with that." He said then smiled at me.

Our food arrived and we started eating. It is so awkward seating infront of your ex. We did talk a lot and that's the time we need to leave.

"It was great having lunch with you. C-Can I get your number so we could catch up again?" He nervously asked. "Sure!" I said then get his phone and wrote my number.

I went home and started to unpack the things I both. I started thinking about of Niall again. How I wanted to be his girlfriend again. This is not good. I wanted to work things out but I don't know.

After few hours doing nothing my phone ding.

"Hey princess. Nialller here! don't forget to save my number! :)" he texted. I chuckled and automatically saved his number. We text all night without thinking it's already 4 in the morning.

"I think we should sleep now it's already 4 in the morning." I texted back. "Alright Goodnight princess! See you on weekend. :)" He texted. "Goodnight Nialler :)" I texted then I smiled.

He told me his not living with her girlfriend. He got an apartment few blocks away from my apartment. He said he would come on weekend. I agreed and I think it will be fun.

I woke up early today, It's only 5:30 in the morning. Today is the day when Niall will come. I'm so excited to see him. He's coming over at 9 in the morning. I should get ready now. I went to shower and grab my crop top and high waist short.

After I got out of shower I wore my socks and vans shoes. It's already 6:30 in the morning and I'm going to eat breakfast downstairs. I ate cereals and drank a juice. I've waited for Niall.

I didn't notice the time that it's already 9 in the morning. There's a knock on the door. I got up excited and went to open the door.

"Niall!!!!" I said then hug him. "Woah woah watch out princess. pretty excited to see me huh!" He teased. I immediately get off from the hug. I smiled nervously and said "I'm sorry! I just a little excited."

"Come in." I said. He went in and I gesture him to sit down on the coach. "Oh! You didn't remove our picture?" He asked. I suddenly froze. He smiled and said "It's okay princess. Don't get nervous it's just me." I smiled. "Yep I didn't remove it because it's a memory too." I said.

"D-Do you still love me?" He asked. "Uhhhhhh." was the only word that came out of my mouth. "I don't really know. Sometimes I do, Sometimes I hate you. It's just hard for me." I sadly said. He immediately hugged me and whisper "It's okay babe! I still love you."

I froze and we didn't talked for a few minutes. "I'm sorry I lied to you again." He said. I raised my eyebrow and said "What do you mean?"

"I don't really have a girlfriend. I just wanted to see if you will get jealous." He said. "NIALL!!!!!" I said then playfully smacked his arm. "Ow!" He complained. "Ops sorry!" I said. "You look cute!" He respond.

We spent the whole day just talking and catching up. We also watched Netflix. Right before he was about to go home he said "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure what is it?" I said. "C-Can you be my girlfriend again? I promise I won't mess up again. I won't hurt you anymore. I will take care of you. I will make sure that you are my only baby princess." He said.

I didn't answer for a few minutes. I was froze from my place. "Hey babe?" He snapped me out of my thoughts. "Uh! Yes I would love to!" I smiled.

"OMG!!! yay! Thank you so much Princess! I promise i won't do anything anymore. I love you!" He said. "I love you too Nialler!" I said then kissed him.

Author's Note :
Hey sunshines!!! I'm freaking back! It's good to be back. I'm so happy to announce you I'm writing again.

Thank you so much for 200k reads and 3k votes! I love you all so so much! You have no idea how happy I am!

I hope you're doing alright! Have a great day <3

Always remember you are valid, loved and important! Drink your water and stay safe! 🤍

All the Love, E.

Niall Horan ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora