Study (Request)

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A/N ; soo i'm going to start first my note ! hehe ! by the way do you love the new song of One Direction "Drag Me Down" anyway no one is voting or commenting anymore ;(
Have a nice day ! And enjoy

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Ariane's Pov
Today is not a good day for me, I'm studying Mathematics and to be honest I really Hate Math :/

Niall is my bestfriend and he will come today here,
He ask me if he could come, I want to say no because i'm studying but because he's my bestfriend I said yes

"Hey Ni, what's up?" i said fake smiling
"Heyy Ariane! What are you doing? imm fine" he said
"I'm doing my homework, come in" i said gesturing him to come inside (a/n; idk if my spelling of gesturing is correct. Lol )

"Come inside my room , :) " i said to him
"Ohh Looks like you need help" he said
"No, no, it's fine.. you can do what you want :)"

1 hour later
"Ariane! your not yet done? i guess you need to take a break, it's only Friday you can do that tomorrow, i'll promise i'll help you tomorrow" he pleaded

"Fine, I can't say no to you" i said playfully rolled my eyes.

Niall ask me what I like for boy ... To be honest i liked him because he always helps me at my homework, he's sweet, kind and moree good things 😂

I don't know if he had a girlfriend because he never tell me his secrets but it's okay.

I know I can trust him. and He knows he can trust me.

That's all we need though.

I should do my homework before he come because studying is hard if he's their beside me... He always distract me but he's cute when he did that.

- ariane xx

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