Cheating (Request)

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Requested by : Sayemahoran

Sayema's POV
I can feel Niall is hiding something on me. He's acting weird lately. He barely talked to me. Maybe he's just tired.

I'm infront of our apartment, I'm shaking and I have no Idea why? As I stepped inside. I saw a girl shoes?

H-He's cheating? Or Maybe a friend?
That's when I saw the girl sitting on Niall's Lap. They are laughing and watching something on her phone.

I stood froze infront of them. Trying to think if this is a dream. I guess I'm wrong. It's true.

"W-Wow! Great! How long ?! " I ask almost yelling. "Uh-Ah 2 months?" He said nervously.

"You cheated on for 2 months. You never think how will I feel if I found out, Well I know it now. What will you feel if I aslo cheated on you !? Huh? Maybe I should leave then." I said trying to hold back my tears.

"Princess." He said chasing after me. "Don't call me Princess! I'm Sayema!" I said rolling my eyes. "Sayema please don't leave." He pleaded.

I just run away from him. I found myself walking into a dark street.

Niall's POV
Oh Jezzz ! She found it ! I made a mistake. Why did I do this? I hate myself. Seeing her cry makes me weak.

I always told her I will hurt the guy who will make her cry but right now I made her cry.

What is wrong with me? She run away. I don't where to find her. It's already 1 in the midnight. I'm so worried now.

Oh Lord, Please help me find Sayema. I know I made a mistake but please I want her to be back.

Sayema's POV
I was walking and walking and walking. Until soft cloth placed on my mouth and tie my hands together.

"Let me go! " I keep yelling
"Shut up or I'll kill you!" The man said.

Okay. This is not good day ! I didn't do anything, why this is happening.

The first thing I think was Niall but I know he doesn't even care. The man grabbed my phone and dialed someone on my contacts.

I was nervous and scared also. I don't know how to get out here. He already hurt me many times.

"Hello!" The man said
"W-Who are you? Why are you with Sayema's phone!" I recognised that voice. Niall.

"Well I found her on the street, She's wearing skirt and She's beautiful so she's mine. It's not my fault that you let your girl go outside in the middle of the night." He said then hung up.

Niall's POV
I was thinking how to make a suprise of Sayema and ask for her forgiveness until my phone rang.

I opened it, alsmost shocked when Sayema is calling...

"Hello!" The man said
"W-Who are you? Why are you with Sayema's phone!" I yelled. "Well I found her on the street, She's wearing skirt and She's beautiful so she's mine. It's not my fault that you let your girl go outside in the middle of the night." He said then hung up.

I always told her never wear skirts when night time. Ugh but she keep doing it. I Hate seeing boys hold my girl.

I wanted to know where she was. I called the boys that I need help. They calles police. They traced the place.

It was old warehouse. It's so dark. The police said they will hide and I need to be in first.

When I get in, I stopped when I saw the man talking to Sayema. Sayema got many bloods.. Ohh Please I wanna hold her now.

"Well, Love sorry but your boyfriend doesn't care about you anymore. I should kill him right?" The man said.

I saw Sayema, shooking her head and said "Don't you dare do that! You can do it to me but not on him."

"Hey! Stop holding my princess!" I shouted. Both of them looked on me.

Sayema's POV
"Well, well, your irish boyfriend is here to save you! Wow ! Goodluck to you gurl, because I will not give you to him." He shouted

"You guess wrong." Niall said. Until, the boys and police came inside. They got the man. And I almost closed my eyes.

I'm so tired. My forehead hurts because he hit it earlier. Niall ran on me and put me on his lap.

"Princess, please. I'm sorry for cheating. I promised I won't do it again. Please don't make me worry again. I know you don't forgive me easily but I love you. Please I'm sorry." He almost cried.

I didn't say anything. He carried me bridal style and cleaned my wounds. He puts a band-aid on my forehead and kissed it.

"I'm sorry Princess, I love you so much." He said. "I-I forgive you." I said weakly smiling.

He peppered my face with kisses and keep saying "I love you"

"Please, stop wearing skirt in the night okay? And never go out without me !" He said with a serouis face.

"Yes sir!" I said and chuckled and kissed his cheeks.

( A/N ) :
Hey Sayema ! I hope you enjoy this ! I'm sorry if it's kinda ugly :/ Enjoy reading ! 😘

Hey guys ! I'm editing my first book ! Check it our ! It's already 12:31am here but I decided to finsih this request !

I should go now ! Enjoy!

All the Love, K.

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