Nerd Niall (Part 5)

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Niall's POV
The rain relentetlessy pounds to the ground. Why now, of all times, must it rain this hard. To my suprise, Liam nearly slips on the pavement multiple times as we sprint to get to (Y/N).

The second she comes into Liam's sight, he takes off faster than I've ever seen anyone run in my life.

By the time, I catch up to him and am kneeling on the other side or her, he jas retrieved an inhaler from his backpack. Lifting up (Y/N)'s head slightly, he guides the inhaler towards her mouth.

"Come on love, On three." He whispers soothingly. He counts to three and helps her take a long drag from the inhaler.

"One More." He says softly, doing the same routine. I watch helplessly, seeing her body relax slightly. Her breathing is still labored but she's breathing nonetheless.

Liam helps her sit up and with time, she is standing and leaning heavily against him.

Fits of coughs still pass her lips every so often, making me frown. When I go to stand up, the pain that the adrenaline had numbed comes back full force, nearly making me double over.

I try to put on a brave face, but it's obvious the two of them know something's up. Neither of them say anything though, which I'm thankful for.

Save myself the embarressment. "Come  on, I've got to get you home." Liam hooks his arm around her waist but she tries to weakly push herself away.

"You'll get in more trouble." She breathes. "Go back to detention. I'll be fine." Liam scowls. "I'm not leaving you alone. You just had a f**king attack and you need to get home!." He yells

(Y/N) shrinks back, but tries terribly hard to keep her composure, depsite the sporadic coughs slipping from her lips.

"I'm not letting you get into anymore trouble because of me!." She musters all of her strength to sound threatening.

Liam doesn't seem phased whatsoever. I, on the otherhand, find myself cowering away from her scary tone. Her strength gives me a surge of courage and before Liam can retort.

I cut in, "I-I'll drive you home." I stutter. Sure it wasn't as strong willed as their tones, but it got my point across.

Liam raises an eyebrow while (Y/N) blushes a deep red. Liam looks hesitant to agree, so he looks to her for permission.

She just barely nods, her eyes gazing at the wet cement. It's now that I realize we are still standing in the pouring rain. Liam mumbles a few things into her ear, making her smile.

He presses a kiss to her cheek and moves away from her towards me. Stopping just beside me. He rests his hand on my shoulder and ever so slightly glances at me.

"Thank you. For helping her and coming to get me." He says seriously, no form of mockery in his tone whatsoever.

It's obvious he cares deeply for his bestfriend. I nod and give him a half smile, but I'm not suprised when it isn't returned.

With one last nod, Liam is headed back towards the school. When I look to (Y/N) she is pale, blue in the lips, and shivering violently.

I go to help her to my car, but she moves away, waiting for me to lead her. A sigh falls from my lips and walk to my car, her not far behind.

Once she gives me her adress, I start off down the road. An uneasy silence spreads between us, the only sounds coming from the engine and (Y/N)'s constant string of coughs.

I'm suprised when she is the one to break the tension. "Why do you keep staring at me?." She asks softly, reffering to the accident earlier today.

My cheeks instantly heat up. How am I going to explain this?

- N

( A/N ) ;
Heyyy to my beautiful readerss !!! How are you? I'm now accepting requests again. Just message me :)

Anyway, i'm really sorry for the late update.. I'm sorry if you waited for so long.., It's just that, I'm busy on school, but I promise every weekends, I guess? I'm going to post okay?

Uhmmm guysss !!! WE ARE SO CLOSE TO 10k READERS OMGGG !!

VOTE, and COMMENT of what you thoughts, and opinions. I would love to read it💖💘

have a great day 😘🌺

Lots of love, from me💁😁

~ Kahzmere

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