Nerd Niall (Part 6)

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Niall's POV
Trying to keep my concentration on the road, I take a deep breath. "It's not like that." I say shakily, intimidation radiationg off of her.

She furrows her eyebrows. "You say that a lot." She states, making me gulp. "I wasn't staring at you earlier today." I squeak out, coming to a stop at the red light.

"Delsin was lying." She rests her head against the window as a cold shiver rumbles through her.

I quickly switch on the heat and turn on both seat warmers. "Then what were you staring at? Why would Delsin feel the need to lie?." I almost roll my eyes at the second question. Almost.

"I was staring at your necklace." I state a bit more confidently, the warm feeling in my stomach making me sigh.

"I guess I'm just suprised you still wear it, is all." My mind goes back to the day I gave her that necklace. She frowns and fiddles with the necklace, clutching it in her hand.

"My seventh birthday party." She murmurs, a faint smile ghosting her lips. I notice how some of her make up has run from the rain.

"You were quite the partier back then." I tease, suprised when I hear a small giggle from her.

"Still am-" Her strained coughs interuppts her. "Are you okay?" Worry fills my voice.

She waves her hands in dismissal, taking deep breathes. "It'll calm down eventually. You still haven't anwered my second question." I shift uncomfortably.

"I don't know why he lies about me staring at you in a disrespectful way. He knows I like you and-"  I immediately choke on my words. Ohhhh f**k. I'm an idiot. Why did I just tell her that?

"You like me?" She aks, suprise evident in her voice. Blush spreads my cheeks and I keep quiet. I can feel her eyes on me but she chooses to stay silent as well.

We make it to her house. Againsts her protests, I get out and help her to her house. Just as she steps into the house.

She slips on the tile. My arms fling out and I catch her. Another spell of coughs plauging her. My eyes lock in her's as she stares up at me.

Her hand hesitantly reaches up, pushing my glasses back up my nose before they fall.

My eyes flicker down to her lips as my grip around her waist tightens. "Now you're staring at my lips." She whispers, a look of vulnerability etched into her features.

I nod slowly, leaning down and capturing her bottom lip in between my own. She takes a sharp breath in, but soon molds her lips against mine.

My skin burns with desire and passion. So long. I've waited so long for this moment. It's everything I could have dream of.

That and more. No matter how hard she tries, she'll never be able to fool me.  I know she isn't as tough as she seems. I stand her up straighter, our kiss never breaking.

If anything, it intensifies. (Y/N) needily runs her fingers through my hair, pulling body closer to her's. if even physically possible.

She tugs on my hair gently, and I can't help the moan that falls past my lips. Very much unlike me, I take control of the situation and push her up against the wall.

She lets out a soft moan and moves her hands down to my neck. The jingle of her phone startles both of us. I pull away, red in the cheeks and panting, her more if the same.

She reads the text message and frowns, "You should go." My face falls at her blunt statement.

"W-What?" I stammer out, my confidence dwindling by the second.
"I said go." She says.

I should have known her this was too good to be true. A girl like her could never like someone like me..

( A/N ) ;
Heyy peeps !!! How are you? I'm really sorry for updating for so long .... I'm just little lazy to write oppss 😂✌️ anyway, did any of you heard the news about Paris?

Lets take a seconds for silent and pray for them 🙏🗼🇫🇷😢

I hope you enjoyed reading. This quite long I guess...

I'll talk to you soon:) if you have a request just message me 😘💖

I love you all so much and thank you for 14k readers. K

Have a nice day ! 😘

~ Kahzmere

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