I Hate That I Love You

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He's not happy when I'm around. We used to be close friends but everything change when Stacey came. I heard they are together now.

Well I'll be honest, It hurts to see him happy, smile and laughing and I'm not the one who's making it. He started hating me when Stacey came around.

Stacey said some hurtful things to him that she's been saying that I told it to her. Niall didn't realize that me and Stacey never talked before.

He believe easily to what people says. I don't know why I'm falling hard to this dirty blonde. I hate it because I know you will hate it.

I just miss the old days. When we are just laughing to nothing at all. When you suprise me on ny birthday. I just wish I could tell you this right now.

I hate that I love you but I need to be happy because I told you before I'm happy if you're happy. I need to accept the truths that there will be me and you.


I'm sitting under the tree, just writting all the things I want to get off my chest. I feel like this notebook I'm holding is the one who understand. This may sound weird and crazy but I have no one.

Yes, The boys are close with me but they are busy so yeah, I'm alone again. It's been 2 weeks without speaking with Niall.

2 weeks ago
I'm about to go at Niall's house. I don't know why but he called me and ask if I could come.

I knocked on his door and I saw his angry face. "Uhm Hi?" I nervously said. "Come inside we need to talk about something!" He said annoyed on his tone. "O-Okay"

"Is that true that you said I'm fake to you? Huh? That I'm holding you back. That you only want me because I'm famous.? Are you serious?" He yelled.

"Excuse me? Who told you that? I never said and I WILL never said. You know me Niall, I never spill secrets when I don't like the person." I said.

"Stacey told me! She said the other day you two hangout and you open up to her." He shouted again.

"Niall! I never went out yesterday, I'm filming with my mom for my Youtube. Are yoy believing her than me? Am I not important to yoy anymore? I feel like everything changed when Stacey came." I sadly said almost whispering.

"I believe her because she's tellin' the truth! I don't believe you! Just go! I don't need anyway. Our friendship is over. Thanks for coming but bye (Y/N).


After that day, you never contacted me. The boys always trying me to come on your events but I never came because I know you don't want to see me.

I'm at the living right now. My mom is cooking something. "Honey, Niall's family and him are coming. Change your clothes sweetie." My mom shouted.

My eyes become wide. What? No! I quickly get my paper and pen to write something on Niall.

Dear Niall,
I know you don't want to see me. You probably annoyed right now because you don't want here in our house. I'm sorry if you think I really said that because in reality I never said that. I hope one day you realize that I'm not kind of bestfriend who's telling hurtful things on her bestfriend. I never hate you even though you shouted on me. I'll be honest I always cry because I feel like nothing on you, like we never really bestfriend because you believe someone who barely know you. I hate that I love you! You know why? Because every single day your making me falling hard on you! I hate it because everything changed! I hope you enjoy staying here! I love you xx

- (Y/N) xxx

"Mom can you give this to Niall. I'm going out yeah? I know Niall doesn't want to see me so I'll just go out and get some fresh air. Tell Maura and Bobby I said "Hi!"." I sadly said and look at me mom.

"Aw sweetie. Come here it's okay honey. I know Niall. He's just confuse. Just don't go home late. I'm not stopping you because I understand that you still not ready to talk to him. But please sweetheart go home early okay?" My mom said then tightly hug me.

"Okay Mom. Bye!" I said

( A/N ) :
Hey little sunshines! How are you? Tell me if you want Part 2?
Anyways, 24 days to go until my birthday yay!! 🎉🎈

I'm going now yeah? Please message me if you have request. I'm running out of ideas! HELP!

I hope you're doing alright! Have a great day <3

Always remember you are valid, loved and important! Drink your water and stay safe! 🤍

All the Love, E.

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