Chapter 11

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Harry's POV:
I sat there on the chair is Bella's room watching her talk to Jim and he continuously wagged his curly tail and licked at her face.

I groaned and started to stare. I felt my phone vibrate signalizing I had a text message, I looked at it and saw it was a text from my good friend 'Tasha Green'

Tasha: Hi Harry, I haven't spoke to you in ages and well how about we go out and catch up on things? X

Me: Yeah sure how about tomorrow at 3 and at automatic in bury? X

Tasha: course cya then x

Me: bye x

I looked up from my phone to see Bella snoring whilst she had Jim sprawled at the side of her. In just huffed and walked out not bothering to tell her good night.

'Wait I'm not jealous of a dog am I?' I asked myself whilst I shut Bella's door.

'No of course not' I said and walked to my room.

I got changed into my pajamas and decided to go strait to bed. I threw the quilt over me which engulfed me into its warmth.

I sighed out because I was nice and relaxed. I yawned once and felt myself drifting off into darkness.

Bella's POV:

I woke up from my long nights sleep to find a sprawled out Jim next to me which made me smile widely.

I looked at the digital clock beside me and saw it said [2:17pm].

"Shit" I said getting strait out of bed and waking Jim up as he yawned and jumped off of the bed. I quickly got changed and went down the stairs as Jim trailed after me.

I was about to step off of the last step but I bumped into a hard chest.

"Ugh" I groaned rubbing my head from where it hurts. I looked back up to see Harry.

"Good morning" I smiled as I picked Jim up.

"Morning" he said back before turning around and heading for the kitchen. As he turned round I noticed he was in a suit and that's not what he'd wear for everyday clothes.

"Where are you going?" I asked with concern in my tone.

"Out with a friend" he said and I mumbled a "Oh".

"Bye!" Harry called through out the house and I shouted "bye!" Back and he slammed the door. What is his problem today?

Harry's POV:

I made my way into automatic as all the paps snapped pictures of me.

"Is Tashsa Green here yet?" I asked the man waiter.

"Yes sir, she is over at table 26".

"Ok thank you" I said smiling making my way over to her.

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