Chapter 22

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Bella's POV:

I picked up strait away, "mum?" I asked in a quiet cracked voice.

"Sweetie. oh my gosh I thought you would never pick up!" She said ever so happily.

"Well I'm here" I said trying to laugh but miserably failed.

"Well how's it going with Harry?" My mum asked and I burst into tears.

I calmed myself down before bringing my phone back to my ear.

"Mum I hate it here, I hate him. Why would you send me here!?" I ask.

"Honey I'm sorry but we needed money!" She said.

"And you sold your own daughter! That's just sick!".

"Honey please try to understand..." She said but I butted in.

"No don't speak to me again. I fucking hate you!" I shout into the phone before hanging up.

I stood up and got a suitcase out my wardrobe before packing all my things away and getting Jim's lead. I want to run away. I hate this place!

I made my way out of the front door and luckily Harry isn't home and all I did was run with Jim.

Short I know but there will be more x

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