chapter 24

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Harry's POV:

I was still driving around at 11:30 at night and I honestly I can't find her and I have traveled all around the stupid neighborhood I call home.

I sighed and turned the heater on in the car as I wrapped an arm around my body. I can't believe she ran away from me, I know I kissed Sandra but I thought she was stronger then that.

I look out of the left window to see a grip and a dog which looked like Jim and my heart raced because I was so happy I found her.

I spread for that I was next to her but when I looked it was a complete slut who was walking her dog. She looked to the side of me and winked and I scrunched my fave up in discust.

I give up! It's 12:30 at night and I'm tired shirtless and face it I'm not going to find her! I sighed and turned around so that I was heading in the direction to home.

Once I got home I parked my car and I got out of it. I practically dragged my feet along the floor like a child who can't get their own way as I opened the door.

I walked all the way upstairs and not bothering to get changed I just threw myself in the bed.

Just as my eyelids closed the door to my bedroom slammed open and my eyes shot open, I looked forwards to see Louis, Liam and Niall all staring at me.

"What?" I asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"Well did you find her!" They all yelled and I just sighed and shook my head 'no'.

They all were silent for a bit before Niall spoke up.

"You're a complete messed up mistake Harry, girls aren't just toys, their humans as well you know!" He yelled.

"I FUCKING KNOW NIALL!" I yelled loud and with that they all walked out to leave me sleep.

Next chapter is the last chapter of this book-xx

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