Chapter 13

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Monday morning Kiedi was in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee with Kelly while they waited on their dad to come drive them to school when there was a familiar honk in the driveway.

"Wow, what did you do to that guy?" Kelly teased from the window. Kiedi hadn't needed to go to the window; she would know Luke's van horn anywhere. Kiedi went to the front door to see what Luke was doing there.

He was leaning against the van with a smile on his face; he could pass as the poster boy for hotness. His smile turned into a grin when he saw her and he didn't wait for her to reach the van before he stepped forward and hugged and kissed her.

When he pulled back Kiedi felt her face go brick red because she remembered that Kelly was still at the window watching and who knew if her father was watching as well from upstairs.

"What are you doing here?" Kiedi asked with a smile.

"I couldn't wait until school to see you so I figured I'd save your dad the journey and take you and Kelly to school," He replied with a smug smile.

"But now you've gone out of your way to come all the way here."

"I honestly don't mind," his eyes were practically glowing with mirth so Kiedi figured if coming for her would make her happy then she wouldn't stop him.

"Okay just let me get my bag then," she smiled.

When they got to school the others were already waiting on them in the parking lot. Kelly climbed out after Kiedi and walked off with Carl into the school building. Luke came around the van and swung a possessive arm over her shoulders as they walked into school together. Kiedi tried to suppress the urge to run and hide as half the school population stared at them including Alicea.

When Kiedi saw the anger on Alicea's face she literally giggled and put her hand in Luke's back pocket in her own possessive way to make Alicea burn. Luke looked down at her and grinned with affection burning in his dark blues.

The weeks that followed were the best of Kiedi's life and she really felt like a normal teenager, a demon loving teenager. She got really close to all the guys and she and Jasmine were practically best friends, especially since Kiedi was the first and only girl to know their secret so they could talk freely together; that made Kie wonder about Kathrine and Erica's role in this whole thing but she didn't ask too much about it.

Kiedi and Luke were inseparable. Luke came for her every morning after that first day and throughout the day they were only apart during different classes and in the evenings Luke would wait only until her dad left for work before he'd come over and spend the night with her.

Luke was amazing, and had great self-control for a guy. He never went further than kissing and gentle petting with her, no matter how much he wanted to, and Kiedi always wondered why; at first she thought it was her then it became clear that it wasn't, because he was obviously attracted to her, he just never tried.

"So my family was thinking of going on a road trip for the Easter holiday, I would love if you could come with us?" Luke asked one night in Kiedi's room.

"I'd love to but I have to ask my dad first,"

"Ok but just stress the fact that it's your birthday weekend so he'll say yes," Luke smiled.

"Okay, I'll remember that," Kiedi kissed his nose.

"So are you going to come over tomorrow?" Luke asked as he got off the bed; her dad was going to be home soon and while he knew they were dating he had no clue of Luke's extra visits.

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