Chapter 20

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Kiedi woke up in her room; the sun had gone down and it was dark. Her eyes adjusted and she saw that she was alone. She quickly got up and went downstairs.

Luke was with her dad in the living room.

"Have you found her yet?" Kiedi asked, she sat down on the arm of Luke's chair and he held her hand.

"No not yet sweetheart," her dad replied sadly.

"How far have you searched now?" Luke asked.

"All the surrounding states of New Orleans and then some," Keith answered on a sigh.

He looked stressed, Kiedi thought. She got up from beside Luke and sat down beside her father and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"We'll find her daddy," Kiedi said with a reassuring smile that she didn't feel. Her father smiled back at her and put his arm over her shoulders.

"We have visitors," Luke said with snarl. He jumped up from his seat and went to the window.

"Relax Lukas, you are in my home and as such you are safe," her father said as he got up and went to the front door.

"What's going on?" Kiedi asked as she and Luke slowly followed.

"Angels..." Luke said as the doorbell rang.

"Zena, Rachel, what a pleasant surprise," her father had a genuine smile on his face as he opened the front door.

"We have some urgent business Keith. We have the princess and we need you to come with us now; the healers' magic are not working fast enough." Her father paled as a tall blonde haired woman spoke. "We need your presence to free her powers."

Kiedi realised that they were talking about Kelly and pushed forward. "Where's Kelly? What have you done to her?" the ladies backed up as Kiedi got closer until suddenly she felt a wall in front of her but she didn't see anything.

"What is this?" she asked a bit angrily because she had hit her head on it and these ladies weren't answering any of her questions. She placed her hands on the invisible wall and pushed against it with all her strength. She felt it shatter beneath her fingers and saw a look of surprise come over the women's faces.

"I'm going to forget you just did that," Kiedi said more calmly than she felt, "Just take me to my sister... now!" she tacked on when the woman just stared at her.

"Kiedi please relax, you're being a tad disrespectful," her father scolded her with a restraining arm on her shoulder. "Ladies please excuse her, my daughters have a very strong bond to each other."

"She is your daughter as well?" the other angel, Rachel a medium height thick set blonde, asked.

Her father nodded and Zena turned to look at her in disgust.

"Oh heavens!" Zena exclaimed, "It's the demon child that nearly ruined Alchima."

"Who are you calling it?" Luke took offense to her statement on Kiedi's behalf.

The women turned as if just noticing him since their arrival. "Keith it seems we came just in time, you seem to have started associating yourself with demons," Rachel said with scorn.

"And a mongrel at that," Zena turned her nose up at Luke like she was better than him and Kiedi's temper got the better of her.

She mind shoved both of them off the front porch and they fell on their backs on the ground. "Who the hell do you think you are to turn your nose up at Him or anybody else?" Kiedi snarled at them and walked outside after them.

She felt a wall come up in front of her again but she simply smashed it and continued after them. She mind raised them up by their necks and held them high in the air. "Apologize!" she ordered and tightened her grip until they both complied.

"And don't you ever refer to him as a mongrel again or I will make you both walk like dogs for the rest of your lives!" they were still gasping and choking in the air when Luke came to stand in front of her.

"As sweet and interesting as this is Kie, please let them go," Luke pleaded with her. She looked up into his eyes and he gave her a little smile.

Kiedi let them fall slowly to the ground and took Luke's offered hand as he led her to the Kitchen; but before she walked off she smirked down at them, "Note that he's the one who just begged for your lives." She walked off without another glance and watched as her father ran to help them.

She caught a bit of his apology, "Ladies that gentleman is my daughter's mate and you will refrain from slandering his character or my daughter's or else I will not apologize again for my daughter's reactions."

When they were alone in the Kitchen Luke drew her close in his arms and kissed her head before he stepped back to look at her in amazement. "In all my life you are the most amazing, beautiful and courageous woman I have ever met. First demons, then angels, what next?" Luke said in awe as he kissed her hard. He pulled back and looked down at her, "On second thought, please nothing else."

Kiedi laughed at him, "No promises," she smiled and Luke laughed before he hugged her close again.

Someone cleared their throat in the doorway and they both turned to look. Kiedi stood protectively in front of Luke and he chuckled and pulled her back to his side.

"So you were saying something about my sister?" Kiedi said to relieve the tension.

"Yes, we need your father to come back with us right away to help save her," Zena said.

"Back where? Heaven?"

"No Alchima" her father replied.

"Alchima?" Kiedi asked confused.

"The same way how the underworld is different from Hell, Alchima is different from Heaven," Luke explained.

"Okay, so what's Kelly doing there?"

"You're sister was in the car during everything," Rachel said and that explained everything. Kiedi thought back to how the car had been bent around the tree and how she'd thought that no one could survive it. Oh how she hoped she was wrong!

"Her mother called her up to Alchima but none of our healers powers are working. That's why we need your father to come with us."

"Okay so let's go," Kiedi said and walked past them to the front door.

They both exchanged looks behind her back and turned to her father for assistance. He simply shrugged and stared back at them.

"What do you mean we can't come?" Kiedi asked and the two angels flinched in fear. Zena and Rachel exchanged glances then looked at Luke pointedly.

"You can... it's not that you can't physically come it's just that you're too volatile and he can't come at all," Zena braved.

"Why can't he come?"

"Demons aren't allowed in Alchima," Her father said, "No exceptions."

"But I'm a demon and I was there," Kiedi argued.

"You're half demon Kie," her father sighed.

"It's okay Kie, I can wait here until you get back," Luke said when she was going to argue further. "Every minute you argue you're risking your sister's life. Now go and stop wasting time." He kissed her forehead and stepped back.

Kiedi smiled lovingly at him then turned to the Angels who were already holding hands in the yard. "Let's get this show on the road."

They huddled close in a circle and Kiedi was stuck holding Zena's hand; Zena looked just as unhappy about it.

Kiedi turned and smiled at Luke as Zena and Rachel started chanting something under their breath. A shimmering light started to gather around them and suddenly Luke's face vanished and there was a second of darkness before they were surrounded by a blinding light.

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