Waking Up Of The Dream

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Charlotte was staring through the window, the green of the leaves, the wind moving them slowly, and the trees seems to be dancing. She smiled and turn, walking to the bed.

Her naked body was covered by a bed sheet, and she lean forward towards her husband. Who was sleeping peacefully. She kissed him in the forehead, and she move away from him.

Days came by, and Charlotte was happy living in such a simple way with Victor. Loving each other at almost any time of the day, taking walks, dancing in clubs. Everything in such a romantic way.

"Charlie, honey, wake up" Victor said shaking her.
"Mmm, no, five minutes please."Charlotte answered, covering up with the sheets. Victor smile and he shake her again.

"We're going to be late, and maybe we are going to lose our flight. Plus I'd like make love to you here one last time again." Charlotte smile with her closed eyes as she was listening his words.
"If that's the case, then love me, husband of mine."

Six months later...

She was impatient, waiting for the result, then the second line appeared... Indeed, she was pregnant.

Happy for the result of the pregnancy test, she moved quickly around their penthouse and she prepared everything to give a surprise to her husband.

The dinner was ready, the table was set, everything was perfect, even she. Charlotte was excited, she truly was. Now she was expecting her first child, and she become to wonder the gender, or if the baby looks like Victor or like her.

Víctor arrived, and she welcomed him. He kissed her, and went directly to the kitchen.

"So, what's the occasion?I didn't miss your birthday, and I think that our anniversary, is still too far, am I wrong?" He said as he saw the table set, and the dinner ready.

"Well, now a wife can't cook for her hubby?" He smiled, when he heard those words and kissed her sweetly.

"Shall we eat then? I'm starving."

They begun to eat, and they chat about their day, Charlotte was willing to spill out the big new.
"So, Charlie, how was your day?" Victor asked casually.

Charlotte looked at him, for the sudden question, the moment that she waited for was arrived.

"Was good, you know, same as always. But..." She quiet for a bit. She though that how she should say it.

"But?" Victor inquired.
"I'm pregnant." She said hiding her face, then she heard how Victor's spoon hit the plate, slowly she raise her head, and as soon as she watch Victor's face, she was petrified.

"You what?" he asked.

"I'm pregnant" she said softly. 

"So soon? You supposed to take care, not to getting pregnant!" he yell at her.

"But Vic, I though that... "

"Well you though wrong! You always are thinking in the wrong way, we can't have children now!"

"But, why?"

"Because we are not ready, and how we're gonna have a baby here."

"We'll see... Victor" She saw how he leaves the table, and go to the studio. He slammed the door, Charlotte was trembling and tears slowly showed up.

Three days after, Charlotte was sad and mad at Victor.

"Charlotte?" Victor said softly.

"Charlotte, honey I'm sorry, I was a fool. I was afraid, about having a baby, but now I just feel stupid and happy for it." Charlotte turn her head towards Victor and look at him hopefully.

"You mean it? You really are happy for the baby?"

" Our baby, sweety, Ours."


"If it is a girl we should call her Victoria." Victor caressed Charlotte's skin and gave sof kisses to her shoulder.

"Victor, that's unfair, I tought in Cassandra, don't you like it?" she said and her husband grinned as he was listening to her.

"Nop, I like Victoria, because has my name on it, so anyone can see that she's daddy's baby girl." That statement cause in Charlotte some fun and she laughed outloud.

"Men and their alpha male instinct." She laughed about it, and hugged him strongly.


Two years later...

"Charlotte, are you ready?" her friend Rhonda came into the room, and found out that her friend was crying.

"OMG Sweetie! what's wrong?" she asked her, as she observed how the unstoppable tears flown down to her friend's cheeks.

"Victor isn't coming, this is the second birthday of our son and he..." she broke into tears again, her friend just watched her in silence, remembering everytime that she watched Charlotte crying.

Somehow this marriage was ending Charlotte life, since Marvin was born eveything seems to fell down, she tried to hide it, but she wasn't good enough, at least not for Rhonda. who was thinking on having a long, long chat with Victor.


"Charlie... Charlotte" Victor call her while she was sleeping in Marvin's room.

The kid was asleep too; Victor caresses his son forhead and grab his wife on his arms, taking her to their room. Charlotte opended up her eyes and smiled when she saw her husband. She hugged him, and smell his scent.

"I was thinking, that we should have another baby, don't you think Vic?" She asked as she saw Marvin walking to Victor.

"I don't want more kids." Victor said, firmly. Charlotte just nodded, and tried to calm down.

"At least"  he continued "not now, with Marvin is enough, isn't that right Marvin? You're the king of this penthouse, who's the little boss?"  Victor told Marvin when is was carry on, in his arms. Charlotte smiled at that scene, but she hide the sadness inside her.

"But I believe Charlotte, that you need some days off." He announced to her, and she look at him confused.

"Days off? from what, or why?" she softly demand it.

"From being a wife and a mom, that's tiring, and I let you all the responsability of this marriage, so I believe is fair."

"What about Marvin?" Charlotte continued asking.

"Marvin can stay with his grandmamas, and me, of course. So what do you think?" Victor gave Marvin to her, expecting an answer.

"I dont know... I..."

"You need this... go"

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