The Plan

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"First: Make yourself a busy woman, expand your world. "

This was the constant thought of Charlotte, while she was walking to Victor's studio.

Three knocks, and after some seconds she heard the answer.

"Need something?" Victor asked without taking off his eyes from his laptop, as he was typing a document. Charlotte took some steps and stood in front of him.

"Yes. Can I help Maddy with the foundation?" Victor stopped and saw her, digesting her words.

"What about Marvin?" He asked instead, continuing typing.

"I can hire a nanny, don't worry I have some savings" with that she reminded some money that she inverted following the advice from Madeleine's father.

"Very well, do as you wish" Then Charlotte smiled, and whispered a soft thank you, and leave for her room.

In the next morning Charlotte was in front of Maddie, who was amused that her best friend was going to help her in the mission of her life, helping homeless people.

They gave them food, clothes, things that they need it in the moment. That made Charlotte felt more spiritual and humanistic. It was to her some kind of growing; that was only in two weeks.

"Second: Regain your space. Do yo sleep in the same room with him?"


"Then do it again, but don't let him touch you, at least not yet"

Pacefully Charlotte was making the bed, puting the pillows on its place.

"What are you doing?" Victor entered to the room and watched her doing.

"Sorry Vic, but I missed the bed, I hope you don't mind." She took out her robe and lay in the bed. "Come now, is time to sleep" She smiled at him, and finally close her eyes.

In a month Charlotte regain back Victor's confidence. He was confortable with her presence again, and all the built tension was gone.

"I can't believe you bought this warehouse" Charlotte was saying while she entered with Madeleine in the place.

"Well, I love to help, and perphaps the love of my live is a homeless guy" Maddy told her cheerfully, as she was watching carefully the place. "We need to change the bathrooms, and over there, the beds. You know, I wanna give them some lockers, they need a little place for privacy" Maddy walk in front of Charlotte extending her hands, and smiling.

"Hey Mad Mad" Charlie said to her, smiling her back. "Do you remember the money that I gave to your dad?"

"You mean, the one that you invested on highschool, for you trip around the world?" Maddy took out her phone and began to take pictures. "Yeah, what about it? Do you wanna know how much do you have now?" Charlotte nodded. "Let me ask dad then."


"Fine, one more box and we're done" Charlotte said to Victor, who was walking with Marvin around the place.

"Zoo, zoo!!" Marvin was yelling excited for the visit to the zoo. Victor wasn't at all, and for Charlotte, she was nervous.

A text arrived for Charlotte. "Good luck on your family day" from Sebastian. It was three weeks since the had lunch together. She smiled, because now, Sebastian's texts were coming day by day.

Victor was watching with attention, somehow his wife looked more brighter, he knew that smile... Something made her happier.

The Charlotte's phone rang, and she answered waiting for news. "Girl... you are rich. Not disgustingly rich as "la mia familia" but you have now, enough money to buy a deparment, pay Marvin's college and still have a comfort life"

The wait was worth it, that was the new that was she waiting for. Then, in a moment, she sent a text to Sebastian informing him.

"I have my own fortune now, I believe is time to make a move." She texted him, while Victor began to ask to who she was texting. "Maddy, you know girlfriends business" She locked her phone and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon.

Maybe, just maybe,  it was the last time that they were together as a family. A happy one... before the war among them begins.

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