A Little About Him

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This chapter content OFFENSIVE LANGUAJE, NSFW, SEX and S&M. I deeply recommend your discretion.

"Wow, now this is a sudden surprise"

Charlotte smiled after she heard Katrina's words. She was watching the place around her, and some how she was a bit dissapointed.

"Your office seems cozy..."

Katrina smiled after the innocent and at the same time sardonic comment of Charlotte.

"Dissapointed? Look I'm a sexologist, and for many people sex is still a tabu, or something to be ashame of; so I decided yo make them to feel like home, is easier to get confortable and talk about it."

"That's nice"

"So, why do I have the honor of your presence?"

"I need you to teach me"

"Teach you? What?"

"How to control a man"

"Who are you planning to control?"

"Everyone I need to"

Katrina laughed, something happened to that litte innocent lamb that she met that afternoon. Then she thougth seriously on Charlotte's words. She realized that she need it to understand something important.

"Don't you dare try to control Sebastian"

"Why not?"

"It's dangerous; Sebastian is the one with the control, he will control your life even if you don't want it to, but you won't see how he controls you, he is not an asshole who put some GPS tracker on you, or check every minute what are you doing or investigates you. You will let you live your life and yet you'll be one who surrender everything to him, and he will be please with your obedience. That's the kind of control that he likes."

Charlotte carefully thought her words and she decided to remain in silence.

"But one person had control over him" Charlotte eyes were on Katrina's serious face. Then she faced her empty hands.

"Aren't you interested to know"

Katrina said, and for Charlotte, she fixed her eyes on Katrina, who was evilly smiling to her.

"That's impossible, he is..."

"Now it is, but it wasn't like that"

"How could ever someone control him, I can' imagine it."

"A woman did."

"But why? How could she...?"

"He loved her."

Katrina voice was dry, and somehow pain and curiousity exploded in Charlotte's chest.

"Wanna know or not?"

"I want to know everything about him."


The place was white, and modern, too cold to be a woman's apartmen. Charlotte entered and saw a black door half hidden behind a white curtain.

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