The Mistress

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Some laughs were heard on the restaurant, place where Charlotte and her friends were spending the morning , drinking, eating, and telling the last gossips of their lives.

But Charlotte felt uncomfortable at that moment, lying about her life, but she decided to lie even herself about it and pretend like nothing happened.

"So... Chuck, what do you think?" The red headed asked, Charlotte looked out of the blue.

"About?..." She asked, in response, the eyes of four women were set on her.

"About helping Madeleine, what else" Charlotte sighed in relief, and drank water.

"I think is great!" The platinum blonde smiled and put a hand on Charlotte.

"Well, I don't know... I have Marvin and.." She stopped, before she can continue, her problem was Victor.

"Victor won't allow it... right?" Maddie said dissapointed and everybody else too.

"I can ask him" she said and Madeleine smiled thankful. Charlotte loved to be with her friends, and she couldn't dissapoint her best friend Maddy.

Maddy and her were best friends since middle high, then Rhonda and Ericka joined in high school, later the best friends Suzanne and Valery joined in college.

"Hey Su, where in the hell is V?"
Rhonda asked, after she cheked her phone.

"Out, and I don't know when she'll be back" That response was the end of all the chats.

Back in her penthouse, Charlotte was in a difficult situation, she discovered that her happy ending was only a bitter lie.

A smile born in her face, she was watching Marvin, who was playing with a piano, those for babies. Marvin was entertained with the music.

Then a sudden idea appeared on her mind, she thought, now with this move, she had the opportunity to keep her marriage, her husband, and her love with her. Yes, the pain caused because the betrayed was great, but she could make the effort and forgive him.

She picked up the phone and call a nanny. Moments after, she leave the place and look for Victor. She wait for him, she knew that in his lunch time, he would go to see her mistress.

She was right; Victor went out, and took a cab. She followed him and she wanted to see the woman, the one who stealed her husband.

She was determinated to see her first, then investigate her, and finally talk to her. When Victor reached his destiny, she step out down of the cab too, and with discretion walked behind him.

Never in her life could imagine what the destiny had prepare for her...

Charlotte saw her friend, Valery, walking towards Victor. "YES" she thought, the heaven send an ally for her. But that was wrong.

Victor took the woman in his arm and kissed her with passion. Charlotte felt nauseous... and even more hurt.

She never expected that the woman who took her husband was one of her closest friends.

"Out, I don't known when she'll be back" She reminded Suzanne's words.

For how long, is Victor doing this? That's a pumping thought in Charlotte's head.

Once more, heart broken, Charlotte abandoned the place without been noticed.

The treason was bigger than she thought, how could be this possible? How could this happened? He was her husband, and Valery one of her closest friend, how could they.

Charlotte was perplexed by the discovery that she made. Now she couldn't trust no one. What if someone knew. Then she was a joke, then everybody eas mocking of her.

Her chest was uneasy, the tears fell, Charlotte felt a deep desolacion caused by the infidelity of her husband.

She was so lost.

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