Three Cheers For The Sweet Revenge

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"No!!! Daddy!!! I want that plane!!!"
Marvin was fighting with Victor, because he wanted a plane that his father bought as a present for Ericka's child.

"Charlotte, this is your fault, you spoil him too much" Victor said, when he lifted the plane in some unreachable place for Marvin.

"Is my fault, but at least I spend more time with him" Charlotte commented sarcastic to Victor. She finished washing the dishes and removed her apron, and folded , put it in back in its place.

"Come on sweeheart, we have to go"
Charlotte took Marvin's hand and searched for a hoodie for both of them.

"Where are you going?" Victor followed them, and Charlotte moved around him.

"With Maddie, I have to help her, remember?"

"And with Marvin? Are you nuts?"

"Yeah, why? Are you going to take care of him?"

"That's why Nina is for"

Charlotte gasped, denying with her head. She began to walk towards the door and left.

"It's okay for you, that your son is playing with her?" Sebastian stood beside Charlotte smiling and observing the place.

"Yes, she is just a young girl that she lost her baby" Charlotte look at Sebastian, who only nodded. "Playing with him... well I don't know how to put it."

"I get it. The lawyer wants you to check the divorce terms" He barely look at her.

"No need. I have something else in mind"

Both of them, were looking the girl playing with Marvin and making him tickles.

"I want to tear them down, I want to separate them, and make them suffer"

"Are you really sure that you want that?"

"Yes, why would I want it in other way?"

She smiled, determinate to play their game a little bit, her time was come, and she was ready to play dirty, just like them. She was sure that Sebastian's help will be her salvation.

"I'm so proud of you" Sebastian whispered on her ear, sending chills to her body. "I left a present for you on your place. I will have to leave you alone for some family business"

"A present? Am I being a good girl?" Charlotte smiled to him, seductively.

"Yes, such a really good girl" He pushed gently her body with his for a moment.

"When you will be back? She asked curious.

"In a few days, I have to come back to attend an accountant friend of mine, your husband is running out of time, so I hope that you have fun making him suffer"

Charlotte smiled wide and her eyes brighten up.

"Let's give him the final blow when he's finally trapped"

"Sure, but you have to endure a little bit more"

Charlotte nodded and he said farewell to her and the others near to them. She felt nervous, because she had to take a leap of faith and began with her revenge.

"Charts, thank you so much, your help save my ass" Charlotte smiled and gave Maddie a hug.

"That's what friends are for"

"I know, can you do me a favor?

"Now what?"

"Will you buy a present for RJ in my place? I don't know what to buy"


"I love what you've done with the place"  Susan observed the yard of Ericka's house.

"Thank you Su" Ericka just smiled to her friend, who just were standing besides Valery.

"You should told me about the decoration, I could find people to do everything you have to" Valery said to Ericka and she just denied.

"It can be exhausting but I preffer do things by myself"

"Not just yourself, what about me, girl?" Rhonda move her shoulders making a little dance.

"And Rhonda's help"

"Oh boy, look at that" Susan words went out as soon she saw Charlotte and Victor arriving to the place.

Charlotte was walking beside Victor, who was carrying Marvin on his arms. The beautiful blonde was smiling, envolving her skin in a floral dress with a peach cardigan, and Victor was wearing a green militar jacket, with a polo shirt and jeans.

"Man, they always looked so good together" Rhonda said, and Valery felt a turmoil in her stomach.

"Your friends are over there... I will say hi to Ryan and the others, Marvin will stay with me." Victor pointed with his chin trying to avoid being near Valery.

"Okay, I'll catch up with you later, I'll give RJ's present to Ericka" She was nervous, but deep inside she was very excited. She gave Victor a peck on his lips and  Marvin in his cheek.

She walked towards the enemy, trying to encougare herself, thinking like she was a goddess preparing for war.

Valery look at her with envy, and she became to feel inferior to Charlotte, she knew it was something different with the blonde.

"Hello girls!" Charlotte said really joyful. Every woman salute her on their own way, and suddenly she felt a hug.

"Well hello ladies" Maddie came to salute her friends as well.

"Hey Maddie, how are you doing?" Rhonda asked and they begun to chat about many things.

"And turn out that my twins are prodigies for music, and I said... well Michael, why not? So know they will go study music in the... was what the name?" Rhonda was taking about daughters.

"Conservatory" Susan help her to end the sentence.

"My mind is tricky on this days, just with the thinking that my babies will be gone."  Ericka put a hand on Rhonda's back conforting her.

"When Billy goes to futbol camp I feel bad"

"You must be really sad, you are always over that little boy, I bet he can breath then"

"Maddie!" Susan trying to hide her pride being hurt by Maddie's words.

"You are too quiet now Charlotte" Susan tried to direct the attention to someone else.

Charlotte smiled, the most sweetly that she can, she caressed her belly discretly, knowing that Valery's eyes followed every move of her.

"I think that I'm pregnant, we want to be sure, we are so anxious to know. We hope that will be a girl..."

Just until that moment Charlotte moved her eyes towards Valery, and she could see the hate and the terror on Valery's eyes, and that wasn't even the best part.

"We want to call her Victoria" 

Charlotte never felt so powerful than this moment, she enjoyed to see how Valery lost her colors, and how she began a discret tremble on her lips.

That was the moment when Valery realized that Charlotte had the winning cards.

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