The Comeback

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"See you later"

Charlotte walked away from Maddie and the others volunteers. She saw all the people who came to eat  breakfast, walking among the tables, she smiled and salute a few of them, in the entry was a black man, with ripped jeans and a old military bag, watching carefully the place. Charlotte cleared her throat and talked to him.

"Can I help you?" She asked him with a big smile, the guy just hesitated.

"This... is this a shelter? An old man told me to come here, but I..." 

"Sure, just go over there and wait for food... What is your name? She pointed and then look back to him.

"I... Driss, I'm Driss."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Charlotte, ask for Maddie and tell her that I send you" She shaked his hand and said goodbye the guy.

"YO! miss Charlotte, thank you!" Driss smiled and she just waved her hand and kept walking. It was time to go home.


She opened the door, and walked in. She now was home and was hoping to see Marvin waiting for her, but that didn't happen.

She looked for him, but he wasn't around and she got close to the window. 

She had a bad feeling and grabbed her phone, dialing Nina's number.


"Nina, where are you?"

The door opened and she hung up thinking that it was just Nina and Marvin, but she was surprised.


"Hello, Charlotte." He greeted her and Marvin appeared with a  toy on his little hands.

"Where's Nina?"

"I told her to take the day off" Charlotte took Marvin on her arms and she saw a little bag in the couch.

"So... I guess you are leaving, right?"

He smiled to her and moved his head, he reached for her and kissed her forehead.

"I came back, darling"

She had a bitter taste on her mouth after she heard those words, but yet she smiled to him.

"Well... welcome back sweetie. Let me prepare something for lunch."  She just put down Marvin and walked away.

"So... did you miss me on these days?" Victor asked her, playfully, picking an apple from the bowl with fruits that Charlotte put on the kitchen counter.

"You just was out for three days, I wasn't a big deal"

"So you didn't, and you just went to party out?"

She observed that Marvin was near to them and looked back to Victor, telling him a silenced "f*ck you"

Victor smiled and grabbed Marvin on his arms and took it away from the kitchen.

"Let's watch some tv, Marv; your momma has to cook for us."

She chopped some peppers and lettuce, after that she gathered more ingredients.

Charlotte was chopping a tomato for her salad, and she unknowing, cut her finger and bleed.

She didn't felt pain, she saw the blood drops and she washed the blood. She was mad, really mad because Victor's words. Somehow he knew what happened two nights ago.

She managed to keep cooking, and served the food, calling Victor. She took Marvin and helped him to wash his little hand.

Setting Marvin on his place and fed him. Taking care of him and cleaning his face while her son was refusing to eat a few veggies.

"Aren't you going to work?" Charlotte asked pissed off.

"I called earlier, I said that I wasn't feeling well... so."

"So... I'll be tortured with your presence" -  Charlotte answered in her mind, smiling to Victor.

"What would you like to do? Family day or a date?"

With those words she felt like a brick hitting her head. Holding herself just because of the presence of Marvin, she smiled again.

"Whatever you like hon." The words were like acid, but she behave.

"Let's go to buy presents for Marvin."


Charlotte felt terror, what those presents could mean, she was doubting about the intentions behind that gladly comment, so she just nodded.


Every woman should be happy with her husband motivated to go shopping, but that wasn't Charlotte's case.

She was walking carefully, observing the shops, feeling bored and tired. She could feel more joy just with Marvin and Nina, than Victor.

"Let's go to this shop, you owe me a shirt, remember?"

Victor told her and went a head of her. She just followed him with resignation.

Charlotte observed Victor, he was a handsome man, but she didn't feel attracted to him anymore. But yet she could tell by observing the girl who ran the store.

With Marvin by her side, she began to navigate the store playing hide and seek.

"Charlotte, what about this one?"

She just look at Victor and shrugged.

"It's okey."

"Just ok?"


"Mommy, hungry"

She thanked god for Marvin being hungry, and taking his little hand she began to walk away.

"Finish your shopping, we are going to find something to eat, and then we are going home. Marvin need some rest."

As she was walking away, Charlotte was thinking how her life changed in the last months, how  love can be kill with deception and treason.

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