Les Infidèles

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Everyone was sit on the table, and she was arriving late, wearing a white collar blouse, ripped jeans.

"You little bitch, you left me alone in the ball"

Maddie salute her while Charlotte was sitting.

"Forgive me, I had to go"

"Did something happened?"

Ericka asked and Charlotte denied shaking her head.

"That's weird, I never saw you that kind of blouse."

Charlotte smiled and tried to ignored Ericka's comment, but she didn't realize that Rhonda's hand was already on her neck.

"OMG! You have a hickey!!"

Instintively Charlote covered her neck with her hand and the others laughed about it.

"Ha! So that's why you dissappeared"

"LOL, like a teenager"

A furious Valery barely laughed and took sips from her drink, watching Charlotte, carefully.

"Well, you know...it was a bit intense"

"You missed guys, Charts was a green apple yesterday, asking to be bitten, and the way she danced tango... No wonder why Victor put a mark on you."

"You danced tango?"

"With Victor, right?"

"It was with his boss... isn't Charlie?"

Charlotte only moved her shoulders, and smiled, enjoying the poisoned comment of Valery.

It was about the eight o'clock when he arrived to her place, he put his suitcase on the floor, and saw her at the balcony.


She turn and looked him with despise, then she faked a smile. She walked to him and hugged him, she kissed him, and tried to remove his tie.

"No, umm... I"

Fiercely, she took it away the tie and loose the neck of the shirt, and she saw the mark that Charlotte put on him, a bite perfectly marked on his neck; rage grew inside of her, and she just slapped his face.

"You f*cking bastard, you told me that you wouldn't do it with her anymore!"

"I'm sorry Val, I couldn't say no"

"Of course you could!!!"

"She's my wife"

She was shocked, her mouth looked like a perfect "o" and she gasped, and hide her face, she didn't want to show him her tears.

"You promised, you, you said that you love me..."

"And I do!"

"No you don't, you're just a bastard, if you loved me at least once, you shouldn't married her."

"You abandoned me!"

"I couldn't see you getting married to her"

"You knew, that if you asked it for, I was capable to leave everything for you"

She hugged him one more time, with need, dessesperation and feat, fear that she steal him away from her one more time, then between tears, she kissed him sweetly and beg for his hug.

"Then, if you love me so much... divorce her."

She stared him to his eyes, begging for being heard, he only draw a line on his mouth.

"You know I can't do that"

She opened her eyes, and separated from him.

"Marvin is my son, plus is not the right time yet"



She hugged herself, shivering, and crying, she felt betrayed again for the man that she always loved with devotion.



"Get out"

"Let's talk this, we can fi..."

"Get out!!!"

She yelled at him, and as soon he left, she was crying in the floor. The tears fell down, the pain was growing very deep inside her.

Charlotte was like a sunshine, and she was more like a shadow, and she couldn't change that since college; now she didn't know who to hate more, if Charlotte or him, but something had to be done.

Time, maybe the time will gave her all the answers.

"Come Marv, it's time to go home"

Charlotte was walking along with her son, in a park near their building, many people was there too, young couples, some people running, and it came the time that Charlotte and Marvin had to go home.

Victor saw them at distance and decided to make them company.


Marvin ran into Victor's arms and he lifted, and smiled to his son. He saw his wife without moving an inch or talking to him, she was there standing, wearing a t-shirt jeans and flats.

"Are you going home?"

He asked, and she only nodded; then she began to walk and he followed her.

"A walk... did you enjoyed it Marv?"

"Marv has a lot of energy, I need him to sleep"

"He's a toddler, he's more like a tornado"

"Have you dinner yet?"

She stopped and asked him, smiling and he felt confortable, that was the Charlotte he knew, not the woman of the other night.


"Sandwich and beer?"

"Sounds great"

For the moment, Charlotte took the choice to pretend that everything was like before, and they were arriving their building, when her phone rang.

Victor opened the door, waiting for her, but she stopped, checking her phone.

"Everything is okey?"

"Yes Vic, don't worry"

She smiled warmly to him, after reading those words.

"I'm waiting for our next encounter..."

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