The Cruel Reality

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The days had passed, Charlotte was everyday even more uncomfortable with the situation, she felt betrayed and disgusted with herself and Victor.

She avoided him, Charlotte can't even stand a single touch, to her Victor's touch was like acid.

He began to kiss her, she tried, really tried to respond to that kiss, but it was impossible.

"Char... What's wrong?" Victor asked, and looked at her intensely.

"I'm sorry, I don't feel good... I have a headache" She moved as fast as she could and went to the bathroom and lock herself in. She began to cry  silently.

She has to end this, as soon is possible.

The next day has arrived, but Charlotte didn't want to get out of the bed. She only did it because of Marvin, lately her child was the only reason to live for. So she did, and the got ready to leave the place, and make something that she call a necessary measure.

She went to her mother's house, and quickly left Marvin with the maid.

"Mom?" she called, while she was looking fo her mother. "Mom I need a favor, Mom?" She went upstairs trying to reach her mother.

"Sure sweety, what do you need?" Stella, Charlotte's mother answered casually.

" I need you to take care of Marvin, I need to do some errand" Charlotte said and her mother only nodded. A few moments after, Charlotte left the house and went directly where, the destiny have her future in a silver plate.


"Well hello, I'm looking for my husband" Charlotte politely to his husband's secretary.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Griffin, but Mr. Griffin said that he didn't want to get interrupted." Charlotte just smiled, and let the girl alone, then she thought that it was going to be harder than she expected; but life was like that... hard.

She opened the doors of Victor's office and close them in the face of the secretary. She felt powerful at that moment, and nothing and no one can stop her now.

"Charlotte, what a nice surprise!!" her husband said, but he cover the speaker of the phone. "I love to see you but, honey I'm kinda busy right now".

She close her fist and pressed her nails in the palm of her hand. This was the big moment, her future, and more important, Marvin's future, was on the table.

"Divorce" She said in a whisper... she tried but somehow the word was so difficult for her. She waited a long time to be married to this man, the one, who she thought it was the love of her life, but he hurt her, and she cannot stand that.

She wasn't her mother, she couldn't just pretend that she was happily married, and act like nothing happened. Or even worse... have her own lover. Her love, hurt or not, was meant to be just for one person... Victor. But Victor lost his place, and Marvin was the one that she had to love.

"I want divorce" She saw how Victor erased that handsome smile of his face and look at her deeply.

"You what?" He asked.

"I want divorce, I can't stand this anymore" Charlotte answered back firmly.

"You can't stand what?"

"This, you cheating on me"

"I'm not cheating on you honey" He said, stood up, and began to walk towards her.

"No, don't even dare to lie to me" She yelled "I saw you!!!

The tears fall, her eyes were turning red, her lips were trembling, she was tremblig, nervous, she felt like she was dying, and somehow part of her died, in the moment that she saw his husband with oher woman.

"You can't divorce me" Victor responded to her, he grab her face, and make her look at him. "Your strict family wouldn't approve, and you're almost thirty, but most important, what about Marvin?"

"Marvin will stay with me!" She told him in that moment.

"With you... without the help of your parents, no money, no place to sleep, no place to live, you don't have a job, and those friends of you won't help you at all. You're pretty useless, and without me, you are nothing" Victor said to her, with an evil smile on his lips, he kissed her and let her go. "You are, and will be my wife until you die, you hear me?"

Charlotte lost her first battle, and as soon she realized, she lost the war.

"I said, you heard me?" Victor yelled at her, making her jump.

"Yes." Charlotte answered softly.

"Then leave, wash that face and wait for me at home, as a good wife"

She nodded and left the place, crying in silence, she didn't want to get noticed. She reached for the elevator, she pressed the bottom and waited. Those seconds seemed to be an eternity, until they opened.

"Charlotte?" A familiar voice call for her, and she cleaned up her tears. "What are you doing here?". He was in the elevator waiting for her response.

"I'm ah... I'm sorry, I gotta go." She tried to turn but he grabbed her hand.

"Let's talk in other place." He pinched the bottom and look at her. The first thing he notice was her wedding ring. "So... you're married. Forgive my manners Mrs. Charlotte."

"Griffin... I'm Charlotte Griffin" She said without emotion.

"Griffin... like Victor Griffin?" She nodded, he let go her hand. Charlotte look at him, how does he knew her husband's name.

"Let's go for a coffee".


"You don't need to do this" Charlotte told him, as he was drinking his coffee.

"I thought I never see you again"

"Me too."

"Why were you crying?"

"It doesn't matter"

"Is there something that can I help you? Did anything happen to Victor?"

"Why this sudden interest... Mister?"

"Sebastian, you know my name already"

"I can't call you by your name, I'm a married woman."

"An unhappy one, but you're right. We have to be more cautios; don't get me wrong."

Her light blue eyes, looked at him with curiosity, she was intrigued by him once more.

"My interest, is to care about my workers, and for good or bad; your husband is one of them" His green eyes darkened, as them observed with attention to Charlotte. "I'll ask again... Why were you crying?"

"Victor cheated on me... I asked him divorce but he refuse it" She felt more lightly, when she told someone her big secret.

"Do you want my help?" He asked one more time.

"No, there is no way you can help me" She stood up and smile at him.

"Thank you for everything, mister?"

"Carmine, Sebastian Carmine" He stood up too, and fixed his suit, extended his hand to her. "If you need my help for anything, come to me, now you know where to find me". Charlotte listened to him, observing him talk seriously.

"Thanks and goodbye... Again."

"Will see us again, goodbye Mrs. Griffin."

She nodded, and smiled. "Goodbye Mr. Carmine"

He watched her dissapearing in the distance, he found himself lucky, because the odds turn to be on his favor.

Victor Griffin... such an interesting man turn out to be. Now he can get close to him... very close.

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