The Darkest Night

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The heavy atmosphere, tragedy and death surrounded the place. The detectives and forensics arrived to the place and they remained in silence.

"Don't forget a thing, we have to solve this case very quickly" The detective commanded, nagging the people working on the place. Many of them took pictures, to the location of the bodies and many other objects.

One of them stepped to the shattered glass and seeing his foot, took a photo too. The bodies were taken to the morgue, the remaining blood stains were in the floor. Some murmured comments about what it could happened, but something seemed to be out of its place.

The detective walked around the place, giving an inspection. He opened the door of the fridge and saw the pretty box of cake. He traveled to the first room, where a suitcase lies on the bed.

"Santiago, come quick" the detective called a young man who was taking the pictures. "Take one here." He pointed to the bed. He went into the studio and he entered watching the light on the desk.

The divorce paper was signed, and under that, others, and he saw the logo of an insurance company. He did not amuse that, and he already was getting an idea about what happened in the place. Santiago appeared in the door and he knocked. "Take pictures here too, and come with me, after."

He observed Marvin's room, toys and books on the floor, the figure action decoration, and the blood in the bed, made him think on his grandchild, feeling something in his guts. He didn't bear to be in there too much, he quickly went to the living room and stood taking a look once more, until he saw something that get his attention.

"Hey Santiago, it's that a smoke detector?" The man, pointed and the officer turn his head to the white dome on a corner.

"Let me check sir." The man quickly obeyed and the detective began to travel through the place.

"Let's go back to the station, secure everything, we have to go"


"Did she appeared?" Sebastian was writting to Henry, meanwhile his mother was breathing softly in the hospital's bed.

"No, and she didn't pick up her phone" Henry replied, being tired of looking for Victor.

Sebastian's worries were a hell to him, and everything was from bad to worst in the moment that he turned on the TV and saw the breaking news.


"Woman kill her husband just because he wanted divorce..."

The phone smashed against the floor, when she saw the news as she was waiting for Victor, but she understand why he was so late, and now, he will never make it.

"No! It can't be him, it can't be him" She tried not to cry, but all her efforts were wasted, she cried about the situation. Victor could be alive if she accepted to be with him.

Now it seemed that the weight of the world was on her, she wanted to everything be a lie.

She grabbed her things and return to her car, quickly and crying she drove until she reached to the place, where Charlotte killed her beloved.

"It's all a lie, a big and awful lie" She repeated to herself over and over until she saw the police surrounding the area.


"Sebastian... what we do now?" Henry was on the phone, seeing the news.

"We'll wait,  ask Simmons to take care of her, I doesn't matter what they need or how much it cost, do everything to help her, ok?"

"Got it, boss" He disconnected the call, scratching his head, and then he covered his face with his hands.


At Rhonda and Michael's house...

"Rho, honey, come and watch this..." Michael called his wife, Rhonda came out of the bathroom and she almost dropped the jaw, she sat on the bed and her husband comfort her, patting her back.


Maddeleine's deparment.

"Maddie, do you know something about her?" Ericka's voice made echo on Madeleine's ears.

"No, I...oh my god...Charlie" Maddie felt sorrow for Charlotte and she knew that she wasn't capable to do such a thing on cold blood.


"Sir, you have to see this"

The young officer made a sign to his boss and partner, when they entered to the room, they saw an expert and the man talked.

"Sir, the smoke detector was a hidden camera, the house had cc-tv, but you really must see this"

The detective nodded, and he gave an approval look.

"Paul, show me what you got"

The man in front of the monitor nodded and play the video.

The detective saw everything, since when Victor arrived, until Charlotte killed him.

"Oh god, this is worse than we thought" A female cop appeared delivering some papers to the detective.

"What's this?"

"Medical report, sir"

"Find that girl, I want to talk to her." The detective opened the yellow envelope, and pulling the paper, he read.

"The woman present bruises on her face, a cut on her inferior lip, she was sexually abused..." The man couldn't read anymore.

"How is she?" He asked to the cop, and the girl exhaled deeply.

"She is in shock, she doesn't want to talk for the moment".

"All right, I have to... I need some rest...we have a lot to do".

Charlotte observed the orange fabric, the cold and gray room seemed to be a place with a loop in the time and space. She only closed her eyes, trying to forget eveything, even her own existance.

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