The Helper

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Charlotte was standing outside the building, waiting for someone. The sunny day, suddenly turn into a dark and sad day, and all her hopes were into the trash.

She was there, motionless, hopeless, and every moment that passed by, she was more like to a statue. The city noises were mute, and everything to her look so slow. A voice call her, call her name but she didn't answered... until a hand touch her gently.

"Charlotte" Sebastian said calm, studying her carefully. She look at him and began to cry.

Sebastian hugged her, hiding her in his chest and with one hand made a sign to one of his employees to do not open the door for him. Slowly he turn back and said to his driver to open the door again. Softly he managed to make her into the car and talked to the man, ordering to go.

"Charlotte..." he said again, she was spechless, now the tears has stopped, but she was lost, somewhere in her thoughts.

"Is... is your offer still on the table?" finally she decided to speak.

Sebastian only waited in silence, he suppossed that something bad happened to her, but yet he did not ask her about it.

"Please, can you help me?" Charlotte felt how her throat was closing, choking her voice inside her.

"Yes. With anything you need" As soon Sebastian let those words out, she felt some release on her soul. The pain faded, and now the rage growing inside her, invading her and all her being.

Sebastian took his phone and dialed some number, he waited for the answer. "Tasha, cancel all my appointments until four o'clock." He took her hand onto his and caressed with his thumb. "Marco, drives us to her home" He observed Charlotte once again.

"Seven street 320, in the Royal Building" Charlotte said in a robotic way, and the driver obey her, only nodding. When they arrived, they waited a moment inside.

"Marco, can you go a buy yourself a coffee and a donut? My treat." He did as Sebastian asked, who was giving him money.

"I saw him..." Finally Charlotte irrumped in the silence. "I saw him, with her"

"Her?" Sebastian asked, wanting to know more.

"That woman, the one who I thought it was my friend." She wished in secret her death.

"And you need my help with?" He politely interrupted her.

"Revenge" She smiled or at least tried to. "I want revenge. I want to show him, that without him I'm so much more; I want to him to swallow those words, I want to humillate him."


"Until I tear us apart. I can't keep being married to that disgusting man. I want, and I'm gonna get divorce." She said, with all thw love turn into hatred. Her eyes had a strange sparkle, her body was stiff, deffensive.

"And what would you do to get it?" He questioned her, feeling excited for her.

"I'll do everything and anything to get it" Charlotte look at his eyes. "Will you help me?".

Sebastian smiled with perversion, and nodded. "Give me your phone" and Charlotte did, he dialed his number and then return it back to her.

He saw Marco, and made a sign for him to open the door, Marco did, and Charlotte prepared to go out.

"Call me when you're ready" Charlotte nodded, and went out. She waved at him, and saw how the car dissapeared.

Charlotte only wished the worst for them, but she knew that she have to wait, to be patience, plan the better way to make them pay all the damage that she was suffering.

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